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Mood: Excited. Quotes: “Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye, gone too soon.”
a fAmily 0utiNg t0dAy...
Sunday, November 28, 2004, 12:48 AM
hEy!~ iM uPdAtiNg mY bLogGiE LatE tOdAy...sO diS iS aCtuALLy thE eNtRy fOr thE 27 nOvEmbEr 2004...hMm...wOkEd uP at abOut 1 pM tOdAy...tiNk it wAs bcOz oF jAy's cOncErt Last nitE...tTs y v tirEd dEn wOkE uP LatEr dEn uSuAL tOday...aNywAy...i wEnt and bAthE aftEr i wOkE uP wHiLe mY daDdy & siS wAs prEpAriNg LuNcH iN thE kitchEn...wE hAd sPagHattiE fOr LuNch tOdAy...*yUmMy*...hEex...i wAtcheD hApPy sUndAy wiF mY siS whiLe eAtiNg...dEn afT tT...mE wEnt oNLinE fOr a shOrt wHiLe...dEn tOok a shOrt nAp Lo...dUnNo y...bUt v tirEd at Tt timE...*yAwNx*...mY dAd wOkEd mE uP dEn i gOt chAngEd...cOz gOiNg oUt Le mA...mY siS wEnt oUt fiRst...LatEr dEn shE mEetiNg mY mUmmY, dAddy & mE at nOvEnA mRt...mY mUmMy wEnt oUt wiF hEr friEnds mA...sO shE dirEctLy mEetiNg us dErE...wEn wE aLL mEt uP tOgEthEr...wE wALkEd a shOrt diStAncE b4 tAkiNg a fEedEr bUs tO a hOtEL cALL 'quALity' hOtEL ( i nvR hEar thE nAmE b4 Leh)...hEex...thE 4 oF uS gOiNg tO tT hOtEL tO hAf oUr diNnEr mA...iN tT hOtEL dErE's a rEstrAuNt tT sErvEs v *yUmMy* dE pOrridgE...hEex...sOmmorE thE priCe v chEap dE...dEn gOt aLot oF vArieTy oF fOod tO gO aLoNg wiF thE pOrridgE...& u nOe wAd's thE bEst tiNg? its likE a bUffEt!~ u eat fiNish Le cAn gO tAkE agAin dE niA!~ cOoL hOr? hEex...dEn oSo gOt frEe driNks likE orangE jUicE & oSo icE crEam!~ mY fAv wOr!~ =P~ *yUmMy* hEex...cAn rEfiLL dE wOr...i atE twO rOuNds oF pOrridgE + sidE diShEs & oSo 2 rOuNds oF icE crEam!~ dErE cAn oSo mAkE uR Own icE kAchAng dE...hEex...i eAt uNtiL i cAn pUkE wOr...hEEx...*bUrpZ*...dEn aFt tT...wE tOok a bUs tO oRchArd Lo...dEn wE wALk wALk arOuNd Lo...c thE LigHts dErE...v chiO wOr!~ cOz chRistmAs cOmiNg Le mA...dEn gOt aLot oF dEcOrAtiOns dEn wE gO c Lo...wEn wE pAssEd bY CK tANg...i wEnt iN tO c wHethEr cAn fiNd cLairE, sHi piNg oR shu xUAn...cOz thy wOrkiNg dErE mA...sO gO iN Lo...bUt dint c dEm...dEn gO oUt Lo...dAphnE wEnt tO c jAy's cOncErt wiF pEiLiNg tOdAy mA...sO shE's nOt wOrkiNg tOdAy...dEn aft tT...mE & mY fAmiLy wALk aRnd sOmmorE dEn wEnt Hm Le...wEn i wAs at thE hOtEL...i cALLeD aMandA tO tOk abOut thE chALet thiNgy...i oSo cALLeD daphnE & pEiLiNg...askEd dEm wHethEr thy eXcitEd about thE cOncert anOt...tHy likE v dE hiGh wOr...hEEx...hOpe tHy eNjOyEd dEmsELvEs aS mUch As i diD LaSt nitE...=D dEn wen i cAmE hM...i tOok a bath agaiN dEn cALL aMandA...tOk 4 awHiLe dEn pUt dOwn Le...cOz shE nD tO cALL ivAn tO diScuSs abOut the chALet...i tML dEn cALL aMandA aSk hEr hOw iS it gOiNg oN Lo...dEn i went & wAtchEd thE xiA ri xiAng qi...tT shOw hOr...gEttiNg mOre & mOrE drAgGy...mOrE & mOre bOriNg...i stiLL prEfEr wiNtEr sOnatA...=D hEEx...k La...stOp hErE Le niA...bUaix!~ *mUaCks* =D

jAy ch0u's c0ncErt wAs s0oo...nicE! =D
Saturday, November 27, 2004, 1:01 AM
wHew!~ iM dAmn tirEd mAn...*yAwNx*..jUz gOt bAck fRm jAy chOu's cOncErt...aNywAy...diS eNtRy iS aCtuaLLy fOr thE 26tH nOv 2004...wOkEd uP at abOut 1.30 pM todAy (LatEr dEn uSuAL hOr?) cOz i chAttEd wiF bEn uNtiL 4.30 aM Last nitE...i wAs damn tirEd...sO couLdn't wAkE uP diS mOrniNg...corEen cALLed mE aNd tOLd mE tT hEr aUntiE gavE hEr oNe tiCkEt tO gO tO jAy chOu's cOncErt...bUt shE diNt aCcEpt it...cOz shE diNt wAn tO gO aLonE...toLd hEr tO aSk sHi piNg...cOz sHi piNg iS a diE-hArd fAn oF jay mA...dUnNo y...cOrEen diNt aSk iN thE eNd...i aSkEd sHi piNg wan gO anOt...sHi piNg oSo dUn wAn cOz shE oSo dUn wan gO aLoNe...-.-...aNywAy...wEnt aNd atE somE cUpcAkEs b4 watching tV aNd eAtiNg Lunch...hAd cHickEn ricE fOr Lunch tOdAy...dUnNo y...bUt i diNt hAf thE aPpetitE tO eAt fiNishEd aLL oF it...*siGh*...dEn i tOok a bAth b4 gOiNg oNLinE...wEnt oFfLinE at abOut 4.30 pM...cOz i nEed tO gEt rEady fOr jAy chOu's cOncErt Le mA...i chAngEd mY cLothEs aNd i tOok aLoNg biNOcuLarS aNd thE tiCkets Lo...mY siS brOught thE LightstiCks Le...sO i dUn hAf tO wOrry abt tT...*sMiLex*...i met uP my siS at jUroNg pOiNt Lo aNd wE hAd diNneR dErE...i atE mEe hOon kUey wHiLe shE atE cAi chAo kUey...wE got xchAngE & eAt Lo...tAstE qUite *yUmMy*...hEex...dEn wE hEadEd fOr thE siNgaPorE iNdOor stAdiUm at kALLaNg Lo...rCh dErE at aBt 7.45 pM bA...i gOt kEep iN contact wiF shU xUan & sWeE bOon...bUt diNt mEet dEm uP cOz wE eNtEr thRgH diFfErEnt eNtrAncE mA...thE cOncErt stArtEd at abOut 8.45 pM Lo...can u iMagiNe it? wE wAitEd fOr aLmOst 1 hR niA!~ *hAiz* buT it wAs v hAppEniNg & hiGh fOr aLL oF uS!~ jAy aPpeArEd oN stagE wiF a crOss cOmiNg dOwn frOm thE cEntrE oF thE stAgE...hE sAng LotS oF sOnGs...oLd aNd nEw oNeS!~ LikEd it v mUch!~ hE cAn siNg v weLL tOo...hE oSo diSpLayEd LotS oF hiS taLeNts tO thE aUdiEnce bY pLayiNg Lots oF diFf instRumEnts suCh as thE piAnO & thE chinEsE fLutE etC...hiS piAnO piNk iN cOLouR sOmmorE!~ oNe oF my fAv cOLouRs!~ *smiLEx*...hE dAncEd aNd sAng tOo...hE wAs v friEndLy & nicE...v dE sWeEt tOo!~ hEex...oH yA!~ thE gUEst wAs nAn qUAn mA mA & LaNdy...nAn qUan mA mA sAng sOmE sOngs wiF jAy & thY oSo sAng somE sOngs frM thiEr Own aLbUm Lo...LaNdy hOr!~ wAh sEi!~ sHe hhHhOtTtt siA!~ dAncE uNtiL v dE pOwEr!~ shAkE hErE shAkE dErE niA...sOmE oF thE pPL sEating bEhiNd mE caLLEd hEr 'sLUt' niA...shOuLdn't likE tT sAy hEr La...thOugh shE rELi abIt ovEr Lo...hEex...sOmE gErs bEhiNd mE werE screAmiNg likE mAd...aNyhOw screAm dE!~ jAy siNgiNg oSo scrEAm...evErythiNg oSo scrEam...aLot oF pPL seAtiNg arouNd dEm diNt likE it...v nOisy mA...cAnnOt hear jAy siNg...kEep hEariNg dEm scream oNLy!~ -.- bUt cAn undErstAnd dEm dE La...iF iSh F4 oR sAmmi oN stAgE hOr...i wiLL b thE samE dE...LoLx...=X...dEn afT thE pErfOrmAncE mE & my siS wALkEd arNd thE stAdiUm piCkiNg uP somE 'tiNgs' tO briNg hOmE...hEex...piCkEd aLot aCtuaLLy...likE thOsE shiNy shiNy dE bAnnErs aR...thosE LightstiCks pPL dun wan ar...we aLL tAkE...hAhA...dEn afT tT...wE tOok a cAb hM Lo...ovEraLL iT wAs a grEat pErfOrmAnce Lo...jAy sAng 28 sOngs & thE cOncErt LastEd fOr 2 aNd a 1/2 hRs...pOwEr hOr? *cLaPs fOr jAy* mE even tOLd my siS i wAn nAmE hiM aS mY idOL niA...hAhA...sO tirEd Le...*yAwN*...wRitE agaiN tML...*dOziNg oFf* (-.-)zZzZzZz...

j0b cRisis...hELp! =/
Thursday, November 25, 2004, 4:36 PM
hMm...*yAwn*...itS anOthEr bOriNg dAy at hM...wAntEd tO gO oUt wiF sOCk yEe tOdAy dE...bUt shE cAnnOt...tiNk shE's gOiNg oUt wiF jAs to thE c.C agAiN bA...tO usE thE cOmpUtEr dErE Lo...cOz hEr cOmpUtEr sPoiL Le wAd...aNywAy...sLpt uNtiL 12.30 pM agAiN tOdAy!~ dEn oNce i wokE uP i iMmediAtELy cALL cOrEen Le...wAntEd tO aSk hEr abOut thE jOb ricO iNtrO uS...hAiz...sO cOmpLicAtEd niA...dUnNo wHethEr tO aCcEpt tT job anOt...cOz mY auntiE aSkEd mE tO hELp hEr oUt at sEmbAwAng mUsic cEntrE uNtiL thE eNd oF diS mOnTh bUt i prOmisEd ricO tO gO dO tT jOb Le...mY siStEr oSo wEnt & siGnEd mE uP 4 a sUrvEy tHiNgy wHeReby u cAn siMpLy gEt $40 jUz bY dOiNg a sUrvEy...gD hOr? bUt thE dAy oF tT sUrvEy cLashEd wiF the jOb ricO intrO mE!~ & tt jOb ricO iNtrO mE oSo cLaShEd wiF thE chALet on thE 30tH nOv-2Nd oF dEc!~ aRgGghHhHhhHh!!!~ mY miNd iS iN a mEss nOw...*pEk cEk* sOmEmOrE diS cOmiNg sAt nEed to gO dOwn tO siGn thE jOb apPLicAtiOn fOrm LiAo...sO i mUz mAkE uP mY miNd fAst...*thiNkiNg LikE mAd*...hAiz...mY mUm bAkEd sOmE v *yUmMy* cUpcAkEs yEsterdAy & i atE somE in thE mOrniNg...oSo atE fiShbALL nOodLes 4 LuNch...bUt i can't fiNishEd it...tOo fULL LiAo & diNt hAf thE aPpEtitE...wAtchEd somE tV dEn tOok a bAth b4 cOmiNg oNLinE...hAiz...sO fUstrAtEd nOw...iM nOt evEn iN thE mOod tO writE...bUt at LeAst tMl iS gOiNg tO b bEttEr dEn tOdAy i gUeSs...cOz its jAy chOu's cOncErt tML & i wiLL b attEndiNg it!~ iM nOt a 'fAn' oF hiS La...bUt i likE hiS mUsic v mUch...hE's a v tALentEd gUy sO i bOughT tickEts tO hiS cOncErt tO heAr hiM siNg...mY siStEr wiL b gOiNg wiF mE tmL...gUEss bOth oF us wiLL b v dE hiGh!~ LoLx...shU xUan & swEe boon oSo gOiNg jAy's cOncErt...thY gOiNg tML tOo...daphnE gOiNg oN sAtuRdAy wiF hEr frEn pEiLiNg...hOpE thY eNjOy dEmsELvEs Lo!~ hEex...sPeAkiNg oF cOncErts...hOw i wiSh sAmmi & f4 cAn b bAck fOr mOrE cOncErts...rELi miSs dEm evErytimE afT thiEr cOncErt...*sObx* hOpE tO c dEm rEaL sOon!~ sAmmi & f4 rOx mY wOrLd!~ *smiLeX* oH yA!~ i hope tO gO S.H.E & jOLiN's cOncErt tOo...cOz i wan hEar dEm siNg mA...bUt i nOt tT riCh dE Lo...nO $ Le...hAiz...nVm...nExt timE thY cOmE agAiN den go c dEm Lo...k La...stOp hErE Le...cyA!~ =D

m0i nEw atM cArds...=P
Wednesday, November 24, 2004, 5:59 PM
iM bAcK!~ hEex...hMm...nOthiNg mUch hApPenEd tOdAy tOo...*siAnx*...hMm...wOke up at abOut 10 aM tOdAy (sUrprisEd tT i wOuLd wAkE uP sO eArLy mA?) cOz i nEed tO gO to thE bAnk...wEnt dErE wiF my dAdDy...cOz hE nEeds tO bE prEsEnt tO mAkE chAngEs tO my sAviNgs aCcOunt...U c...i'vE bEen usiNg 2 kiDdy bAnkbOoks siNcE i wAs yOuNg aNd thE agE tO chAngE it intO a nOrmaL sAviNgs accOuNt is actuaLLy 12...bUt LoOk!~ iM 16 aNd i hAbEn evEn chAngE it yEt...sO...reLi gOttA chAngE it tOdAy!~ nOw...i oSo hAf 2 atM cArds wOr!~ & 1 oF dEm wOrks likE a viSa cArd...mEaniNg i cAn bUy tiNgs withOut usiNg cAsh!~ i can bUy tiNgs i wAn jUz by uSiNg tT cArd!~ cOoL aR? hEex...bUt tt dOesn't mEan i'LL gO on a shOppiNg sPrEe La...i wAnnA sAvE uP sOme mOnEy fOr mY fUturE tOo!~ =D dEn i bOught LuNch wiF my dAdDy...i bOught nAsi LemAk hM to eAt cOz mY dAdDy sAys tt sTaLL sELLiNg nAsi LemAk v nicE dE...mY dAdDy diNt bUy aNythiNg cOz hE sAy hE wiLL eAt Later dE...bUt hE somEtimEs jUz sAy oNLy...wUn gO eat dE...hE sAy hE atE 2 piEcEs oF rOti diS mOrniNg...so cAn tAhAn dE...hAiz...*wOrriEd* dEn i wEnt tO thE sUpErmArket wiF my dAdDy Lo cOz my mUmMy aSkEd hiM to bUy sOme tiNgs hM...wEn i wAs dErE somEthiNg intrEstiNg hAppEnEd tO mE...i wAs waLkiNg dOwn thOse rOws oF fOod wEn a gUy cAugHt my attEntIoN...(oOps...i hUa cHi agaiN!~) hE wAs LoOkiNg at mE tOo!~ hAhA...hE sEems tO b wOrkiNg dErE cOz hE wAs pUshiNg caRtOns oF fOod...dEn i nV cArE aBt hiM Le...uNtiL hE wALkEd pAst mE wOr!~ hE evEn 'hit' mY hAnd wOr...dEn hE tUrnEd arOund...sAid sOrry & smiLed...mAyb hE diD it oN pUrPosE dE wOr!~ (pAisEh...i bHb agAiN Le -.-) whiLE mY dAdDy wAs pAyiNg...i sAw hiM agAin...bUt i diNt carE abOut hiM Le & wEnt hM wiF my dADdy...aFt i rEachEd hM...i atE LuNch & wAtchEd tV Lo...thE nAsi LemAk rELi v *yUmMy* wOr...yeStErdAy i diNt wAtcHed 'wO cAi wO cAi wO cAi cAi cAi' cOz i Let my dAddy wAtch tV mA...wAntEd tO wAtch thE rEpEat tELecAst tOdAy dE...bUt iN thE eNd i diNt...cOz i wAs sO sLeEpy tt i dOzEd oFf...sLpt aLL thE wAy uNtiL jUz nOw...dEn wOkEd uP & tOok a bAth...bOriNg LifE ritE? i agrEe tOo...hOpE to c hiM rEaL sOon...hE fEw dAys nv cOmE oNLinE Le...*miSsiNg hiM oncE mOrE*...writE tML yA? *gonE*

mUsicAl nitE 2004...=)
Tuesday, November 23, 2004, 10:34 PM
hEy!~ iM bAck fOr anOtHeR eNtRy...*sMiLex*...hEex...tOday wAs mUch mOrE eXcitiNg dEn yestErdAy...i wOkE uP at abOut 12.30 pM tOdAy...(piG hOr?) hEex...dEn wEnt aNd hAd LuNcH...gUEss wAd i hAd 4 LuNcH tOdAy? a piE oNLy!~ oR sHOuLd i sAy 'a pOrtiOn oF a piE?' i dun LikE it v mUcH...cOz it tAstE aBit wiErd...it's fiSh wiF oNiOns wiF prAwns...wiErd cOmbinAtiOn niA...bAkEd by mY mUmmY...bUt tT doEsn't mEan i dUn likE fOod mAdE bY mY mUmmy hOr...mY mUmmY mAkEs thE bEst fOod oN eaRth... *yUmMy* =P~ hEex...dEn aFt tT...wEnt oNLinE 4 a wHiLe...chAttEd wiF bEn...rMb i tOLd u tT hE has prOb wiF hiS iRc? nOw tT iT's sOLvEd...hE's hAviNg prObs wiF tT sOund cArD oF hiS!~ *pEngz* hAiz...hOpE hE sOLvEs tT prOb sOon tOo...chAttEd wiF aLviN tOo...hE's iN aMericA nOw...cOmiNg back diS dEc...hopEs hE tAkEs cArE oF hiMsLef...gonnA c hiM sOon tOo...hAhA...dEn aFt Tt...i wEnt tO sCh tO c thE mUsicAL nitE Lo...i mEt uP wiF aMandA, cLairE, sHi piNg, eiLeEn, shU xUan & dAphnE Lo...wEn i sAw dEm...i wAs LikE 'wOw'!~ cOz aLL oF dem bOught & wOrE thE sAmE typE oF sKiRt tOdAy...those fLuFfy fLuFfy dE...wHitE onE wOr...lOoks kiNdA nicE...hAhA...dEn wE wEnt & mEt uP wiF kAi rOng iN thE sCh Lo...frAnKLy spEakiNg...thE mUsicAL nitE wAs kiNdA bOriNg...hEex...-.-...dEn sAw LotS oF tEachErs Lo...bA zhAng sAw mY hAir den shE stArtEd LaUghiNg...likE v ugLy LikE tT...*hUmpH*...aT Least shE gOt sAy nicE in thE eNd...pEng aR? stiLL aS eR xiN as evEr Lo...tiNk shE v cUte likE tT...mR prEm v thiN LiaO wOr!~ hiS tumMy goNe Le...hE sAy hE gO eXercisE tTs y bEcOmE LikE tT dE...dEn wE wEnt & hAd stEambOat iN aMk b4 gOing tO J8 tO shOp & takE nEopriNts...wE crAckEd aLot oF jOkEs oN thE wAy...fUnny niA...hAhA...& i wAs sO fULL aFt eAtiNg tT stEamboaT tT i cAn aLmOst pUkE!~ i evEn aSkEd mY mUm tO LeavE a LittLe biT oF fOod 4 mE b4 i Left hSe tOdAy...wrOng chOice mAn...nOw...i'M sO bLoAtEd...*bUrPz*...kK...tiLL tML...cyA!~ =D

fiRst eNtRy...hAhA~ =P
Monday, November 22, 2004, 6:10 PM
hiyEe!~ itS my fiRst timE writiNg iN mY nEw bLoggiE...dUnnO hOw it wOuLd tUrn oUt...*wOndErs*...hEex...aNywAy, jUz hOpE aLL oF u cAn drOp bY & viSit my bLoggiE oFtEn Lo...hEex...=D

nOthiNg mUch hAppEnEd tOdAy acTuALLy...i wAs jUst rOttiNg at hOmE aS uSuaL...bUt...jUz 4 tOdAy oNLy!~ cOz iM gOiNg oUt tML...tO mY sCh's mUsicAL nitE Lo...wiF cLairE, aMandA, sHipiNg, sHuxUAn,eiLEen, kairONg & dAphnE...uNLeSs it's cAncELLeD...iF nOt...i tiNk wE wiLL b gOinG dE Lo...aMandA's siCk yA nOe...*wOrriEd*...dunNo wHethEr cAn shE mAkE it tML...hMm...i'll uPdAtE tmL & tELL u aLL wAd hApPEnEd yA? hEex...wAd diD i dO at hM tOdAy LeH? sLpt uNtiL 12.30 pM tOdAy...atE sOmE brEad & drAnk sOmE miLo fOr brEakfAst...afT tT...iMmedAitELy eAt LuncH Le...i hAd nOodLeS tOdAy wOr...*yUmMy*...dEn wEnt oNLinE & wAtchEd somE tV Lo...i AskEd eLmEr tO hELp bEn sOLvE hiS iRc prOb tOo...cOz i dUnNo hw tO xPLaiN tO hiM mA...so i askEd eLmEr tO hELp Lo...eLmEr iSh a cOmpUtEr gEniUs Lai dE mA...v fAst hELp hiM sOLve fiNish Le!~ hEex...im sO siAnx niA...hOpE thE chALet oN 30th nOv can fAstEr cOmE...itS oN hiS bdAy tOo...hOpE hE cAn comE...LoOkiNg fOrWard tO it!~ *sMiLex*

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