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Mood: Excited. Quotes: “Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye, gone too soon.”
thiNkiNg 0f hiM 0ncE m0rE...=(
Monday, January 31, 2005, 6:06 PM
siAnx siA~ dUnnO wAd tO dO niA...sO i jUz came oNLinE tO uPdAtE my bLog...lOlx~ hMm...sO fAst wOr...aLr rCh thE eNd oF thE firSt mth oF 2005 Le...*hAiz* 'timE wAits fOr nO mAn'...diS sAyiNg is indEed tRuE~ =(

i fELt sLightLy hAppiEr tOdAy...bUt wAs stiLL kiNdA dEprEssEd~ *hAiz* i sAw hiM tOdAy in sCh & oUt oF a sUddEn...i hAd thE uRgE tO cRy~ dUnNo y niA...dO i rELi likE hiM sO mUch? r mY tEars worth fLowing fOr sUch a gUy? i dUnNo...aLL i nOe iS tt i likE hiM v mUch & i stiLL cAn't fOrgEt hiM...mY frEns r aLL eNcOuRagiNg mE tO fOrgEt hiM...i hOpE tO b abLe tO~ *hAiz* 'xiAo dE' diNt cAmE tOdAy niA...dUNno wHethEr iS hE tRyiNg tO hidE fRm mE agAin...lOlx~ thOugh hE sAy is nOt bcOz of mE...i stiLL tiNk mOre oR LeSs is oSo bcOz of mE dE niA~ bUt i dUn miNd~ bEiNg aBLe tO sit wiF hiM in chEm cLz is enUfF~ hEex...stUpid tOny cALLEd mE a 'LonEr' cOz i was sittiNg in chEm cLz aLonE tOdAy~ sUckEr siA~ lOlx...

tOdAy, we hAd pOa tEst oNLy...mAths tEst is pOstponEd tO thUrs~ hMm...iF is tOdAy tEst 'jiU hAo Le'...bUt nO chOicE cOz gALLaNt hAbEn cOmpLetE thE fiRst chAptEr...dEn aCtuALLy gOt mAths rEmEdiAL todAy dE...bUt we diNt gO~ aMandA, cLairE, siQi, kAirOng, shU xUan & mE wEnt & hAd LuNcH...dEn wE aCcompAniEd aManda & cLairE gO cUt hAir...aMandA cUt bAck thE spikE spikE onE whiLe cLaire jUz tRimmEd hEr friNgE~ im gEttiNg my hAir cUt on wEd sO i diNt cUt wiF dEm...aFt tT...wE wEnt hM Le nOh~ i v gD tOdAy hOr~ once i camE hM, i wEnt & bAthE Le~ i diNt takE aftnOon nAp tOdAy...lOlx~ =P

kKx...tiLL nExt timE~ *zAi jiAn* =D

aRgh! iM sLaCkiNg & iS s0oo dEprEssEd~
Saturday, January 29, 2005, 11:22 PM
hEy...iM bAck~ i finALLy mAnAgEd tO sqUeezE oUt somEtimE tO uPdAtE mY bLog~u nOe wAd? mY LifE iS in wrEcks nOw....rELi in wrEcks~ i fEeL LikE im 'siNkiNg intO dEprEssiOn' evErydAy...aNd as timE pAssEs, thE siNkiNg sEems tO b gEttiNg wOrsE~ *hAiz* fOr thOsE whO is hapPy tO c mE in sUch a stAtE...pLz kiNdLy *fUck oFf*

diNt dO mUch tiNgs tOdAy...I diNt dO aNy hMrK...nEithEr diD i studiEd evEn thOugh i hAf 2 tEsts cOming uP on mOndAy~ i was jUz sLacking & sLackiNg & sLackiNg~ oH gOd~ wAd m I tUrniNg intO? iM nOt likE diS~ *sObx sObx* mY mUm & mY siS mAdE sOmE cOokiEs fOr chinEse nEw yR tOdAy~ it waS sOooo *yUmMy* cAn't wAit fOr nEw yR tO b hErE mAn~ cAn't evEn wAit tO gEt aLL thE aNg bAos tOo~ btw, i bOught LeviS 593 Le...cAn't wAit tO wEar it~ hEex~ hMm...i chAngEd mY bLogskiN Le...nicE mA? hEex~

aCtuALLy, mAny prObs hAf cOmE intO mY LifE withOut mUch pPL nOeing...i dUn fEeL likE sAying it oUt tOo...i jUz tRy tO mAkE mYsLef aS nOrmAL as i cOuLd...aS hApPy aS i cOuLd...wEn im aCtuALLy nOt aNymOrE~ *siGhs* fOr diS fEw dAys...i hAf bEen rELi dEprEssEd cOz i Lost sOmEonE cLose tO mE...i feEL tT i'vE LoSt a biG pArt oF mE aFt shE's gOnE...i dun wAnnA sAy whO is iT...bUt iF shE sEes diS...I hOpE tO tEL hEr... *iM sOrry* i jUz hOpE tt fOr nOw...shE cAn fOrgivE mE & tT mY LifE cAn b bAck tO nOrmAL...bUt i tiNk mOst likELy...mY LifE hAs aLr chAngEd...fOr thE wOrst~

kKx...gOtta eNd hEre...tiNk iM gOnnA gO hiT thE bOoks~ hApPy 17tH bdAy tO shU xUan wOr~ =D

iM siCk...*c0ughs*
Sunday, January 23, 2005, 1:20 AM
yOz...sO sOrry~ diNt uPdAtE fOr sUch a LoNg timE...cOz i rELi dUn hAf thE timE~ iM sO bUsy wiF stUdiEs & stUfF...hMm...aNywAy, tAKe nOtE~ diS eNtRy iS fOr thE 22 jAnUarY 2005 wOr~

aCtUaLLy, iM kiNda siCk nOw...cAmE dOwn wiF a fLu, fEvEr & sOrEtHrOat recEntLy~ iF iM nOt wROng...aMandA pAssEd it tO mE dE~ cOz i wEnt ovEr tO hEr hsE tO giF hEr hEr hMwRk cOz shE wAsn't prEsEnt in sCh mA...bUt cAn't bLamE hEr La~ cOz my iMmunE sYstEm hAs bEen wEak sincE yOung...aMandA~ gEt wELL sOon toO~

wEnt tO kbOx tOdAy wiF my sistEr & aH LiM kOr kOr...hEex...eNjOyEd mysELf v mUch wOr~ bUt thE sAd tiNg wAs tT i diNt siNg v wELL tOdAy & i sAng tOo mUch untiL i Lost my vOicE...
-.- nOw kEep cOughiNg & cOughing...hOpE tT i cAn gEt wEL rEaL sOon~ hMm...aFt tT, wEnt & shOp arNd wiF my siS in oRchArd~ i nOe wAd cLothEs tO bUy fOr nEw yR Le~ i wannA bUy Levi's jEans...thOse sUpEr sUpEr Low cUt onE...=D bUt its sO eXpEnsivE~ cOst arOund $100+~ bUt i dun rELi miNd~ =P hEex...aNywAy, yOyO LenD mE hEr 'mArs' vCd Le~ sO hApPy~ =D bUt hOr...mY sistEr takEs sUch a LoNg timE bEfOrE shE cAn wAtch it tOgEthEr wiF mE...shE La~ wAns tO watch wiF mE..bUt shE's aLwAys sO sLow...aLwAys dUn hAf timE tO wAtch~ nOw we r stiL sTuck at ePisOdE 2~ *hAiz* -.- bUt mArs iS rELi a nicE shOw...sO b sUrE tO cAtch iT!~ aNywAy, thAnks cLairE fOr tT piC u sEnt mE...rELi trEasurE it aLot cOz its thE oNLy piCturE i tOok wiF hiM...thAnks a miLLiOn~ =D

hMm...nOw...mY LifE is pAckEd wiF sO mUch wOrk~ frOm hMwOrk tO tEst tO rEvisiOn~ its driving mE nUts~ gUess i'll jUz hAf tO cOpE wif it...gOttA gO dO my wOrk mAn~ tiLL nExt timE~ ciAo~

kiNda miSs m0i yAng qiN lia0x...=(
Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 9:42 PM
mUahAhA~ iM oN timE tOdAy fOr anOthEr uPdAtE hOr~ hEEx...=P

tOdAy...i wAsn't LatE fOr sCh wOr~ iN fAct, i qUitE eArLy niA...cLairE & sHi piNg wAs LatE LoR~ hAhA... hMm...LeSsOns wErE aS pEr nOrmAL Lo & aLL thE LesSOns eNdEd prEtty fAst tOdAy...wE wantEd tO cELebrAtE bA zhAng's bdAy tOdAy dE...bUt whO nOes mAn~ shE oN mC tOdAy...sO diNt cOmE tO sCh...wE wAntEd tO go hEr hsE fiNd hEr dE...bUt when wE cALL hEr...shE sOundEd sO siCk...sO wE diNt gO iN thE eNd...dEn aT fiRst i wAntEd tO gO takE cCa cArd dE...bUt wEi tiNg sAy ccA cArd rUn oUt LiAox...sO mUz wAit fOr thE nExt mEetiNg dEn cAn tAkE~ dEn hOr...aH LeOw v wAd dE LeH...hE sAy todAy briNg us gO thE Dnt sEmiNaR at NyP dE...dEn in thE eNd...oSo nV gO~ *pEngx* sO aFt sCh...mE, aMandA, eiLeEn, dAphnE & sHi piNg wEnt KFC tO eAt Lo...dEn we diD sOmE wOrk tOo...aFt tT wE wEnt hM Le...tOdAy dUriNg aSsEmbLy...thE pErfOrmiNg aRts gRp hELd a sMaLL pErformAncE Lo...wEn i c thE chinEsE oRch & sAw mY instrUmEnt yAng qiN hOr...mY hEart aLmOst brOkE~ i miSs it sOooOoo mUch~ aLL bcOz oF tT sI aH gUa La~ whO aSK hiM scOLd mE untiL i qUit~ aLL hiS fauLt niA~ kaOx!~ hAi wO bU kE yi pLay yang qiN LiaO...iF nOt i wIL stiL b pLayiNg it niA~ wAaAaaHhHhh~ =_( dEn afT tT gOt thE wAd hOusE mEetiNg...sO bO LiaOx...wAstE my timE oNLy...*hAiz*

rEcEntLy, a Lot oF mY frEns tEL mE tO giF hiM uP...shOuLd i oR shOuLd i nOt? i fEeL sO indEcisivE nOw...i rELi LikE hiM...wAd cAn i dO? i cAn't fOrgEt hiM...*hAiz* i oSo Learnt aLoT oF tiNgs LatELy tT mAdE thE wOunds dEepEr....iM sO sAd~ evEn hiS bUddy aSk mE tO fiNd anOthEr gUy & dUn wait fOr hiM LiaOx...hE sAy tT iM LikE wAitiNg fOr thE fiRst priZe oF 4D tO cOmE oUt...evEn wEn i kNeW i wOuLdn't b sO LUcky tO gEt it... iM jUz gOiNg tO b normaL wen i c hiM iN sCh nOw...sUch aS nOt tO LoOk at hiM, nOt tO dO aNythiNg tO attrAct hiS attEntiOn...iM jUz nOt gOing tO mAkE hiM fEEL iRritAtEd LiaOx...jiA yOu yEh yiNg~ *hAiz*

aiy0o...bUsy bUsy LifE~ *strEss*
Monday, January 10, 2005, 11:51 PM
wOw~ i tiNk i hAvEn bEen uPdAtiNg mY bLog fOr wKs...hMm...cAn't bLaMe mE wAd...my cOmp wAs dOwn & i siMpLy dUn hAf thE timE tO uPdAtE evEr sincE sCh rEopEns...mY LifE iS sO damN bUsy & so mUch tiNgs hAf hAppEn tO mE...sOoOoo mUcH~ i dUn tiNk i wAn tO tYpE aL oF it oUt...cOz dErE's sO mUcH tiNgs & sOmE oF dem r rELi pErsOnaL...=P (aCtUaLLy, iTs oSo bcOz iM tOo LaZy tO tYpE dEm oUt~ hAhA~)

hMm...tOdAy iS thE fiRst dAy oF thE sEcOnD wK oF sCh...sCh rELi mAkEs mY LifE mUch mOrE bUsiEr & mAkEs mE gEt mOrE tiRed easiLy...bUt iTs kiNdA fUn~ cOz i get tO c mY frEns evErydAy...hEEx =D diS yR iS aN iMpoRtAnt yR fOr mE...cOz iM takiNg mY O's diS yR~ to mE...iT rELi iS a 'biG chALLeNgE' & iM aLmOst in thE 'exAm mOdE' LiAox...hAhA~ dun sAy i 'kUa zhAng' oR 'kiAsU' hOr...iM rELi sCarEd tT i can't mAkE it tO mAss cOmm...sO i rELi wAnnA wOrk hArd diS yR~ timE rELi pAssEs sO fAst...its aLr thE yR 2005 & iM aLr iN sEc 5...hOw i miSs tHe sEc 1 dAys i spEnt wiF hiM...wE sEem tO b dRiftiNg fUthUr aPart eAch yR...*siGhz*

diS yR...My sCh aDoptEd a 'LamE' sYstEm knOwn aS thE hOmErOom sYstEm wHerEby wE hAf tO wALk arOund thE sCh tO gEt tO oUr cLassEs...itS sO trOubLesOmE!~ nOw...i cAn't evEn gEt sOmE eyErEst in bEtWeEn pEriOds...rELi stArtiNg tO hAtE diS 'hOmErOom sYstEm'...bUt at LeAst it giFs uS sOmE timE tO wALk aRnd thE sCh iN bEtWeeN pEriOds...hAhA~ oSo...thE grEat tiNg iS tT sCh eNds eArLy by hALf aN hR nOw~ cOz thY cUt 5 miNs frOm every pEriOd LiAox...oUr rEcEss timE wAs oSo eXtEndEd~ yIpEe!!!~ *sMiLex* hMm...tOdAy i wAs v V v LatE fOr sCh...cOz oF tT stUpid bUs tT cAmE so LatE!~ *hUmpH* LeSsOns eNds kiNdA fAst nOwadAys...pRobAbLy iS dUe tO thE 'cUttiNg oF 5 miNs fRm eAch pEriOd'...hAhA~ tOdAy iS mS kUek's bdAy & we cELebrAtEd it fOr hEr...wE wAntEd to cELebRatE fOr mRs tAn tOdAy dE...cOz hEr bdAy iS tML...bUt shE wEnt hM eArLy...sO we'rE cELebrAtiNg wiF hEr tML...aNywAy, shE's prEgnAnt~ hAhA~ =D hMm...wE'rE giViNg cArds tO mS kUek & mRs tAn & wE oSo bOugHt 2 biG bdAy cakE fOr dEm~ hEex...aFt thE cELebrAtiOn...i went & wAtch xiAng jiE pLay sOccEr wiF hiS frEns~ mY fRens aCcompaniEd mE tOo~ i wEnt & diD aLot oF Lame tiNgs tO hiM again tOdAy...hAhA~ gUeSs hE mUz hAf hAd aN evEn LoUsiEr iMprEssiOn oN mE~ *hAix* miSs hiM sO mUch..i rELi cAn't forgEt hiM...aNywAy~ i bOughT a nEw bAg wiF aMandA tOdAy...oP dE...nicE wOr~ tML iM briNgiNg it tO sCh wOr~ hEy...iM tirEd...rELi tirEd Le...i gO sLp Le aR...bUaix~

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