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Mood: Excited. Quotes: “Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye, gone too soon.”
wAd typE 0f mAid aM i?!
Saturday, February 26, 2005, 12:09 AM
You are a helpful maid. You are nice and kind and
bubbly! ^_^

What kind of maid would you be???? (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

sUpEr tEens cAmp iSh rELi g0od~
Friday, February 25, 2005, 11:13 PM
iM shOooo bz fOr diS pAst fEw dAys...sO i diNt rELi uPdAtE my bLOggiE~ hMm...dErE wAs diS supEr tEens cAmp tT rELi tOok uP alOt of my timE...it wAs hELd oN mOndAy, tUesdAy & wednEsdAy nOh...frOm 7.30aM - 9.30pM...lOng ritEx? it was rELi tirEsOme...bUt i lEarnEd alOt of tiNgs fRm dis cOursE & it rELi chAngEd my lifE...a v gD cOursE & it's rELi wOrth thE mOnEy...*sOmpA*

thE tRainEr whO taught uS wAs Dr eRnEst wOng...hiS aSsiStAnts kEn & eRic wAs v nice tOo~ hMm...thOugh Dr eRnEst wOng cAn b kindA sAcArstiC...hE's rELi a sMart mAn~ hE cAn rEach dEep intO uR sOuL & take oUt aLL thE cOmpLex fEeLiNgs in U....b it gUlitnEss oR sAdnEss...hE cAn rELi tRigger aLL diS eMotiOns & LeavE u cRying in uR sEats...mAny pPL cRiEd dUring thE lAst 2 days of the cOursE & i was onE oF dEm...mAny hAs lEarnt tO apPrEciAte thiEr pArEnts, friEnds & LifE bEttEr aFtEr diS cOursE...it rELi is a mEaningfUL cOursE! i likE it v mUch...=D

wEn i rchEd hM oN wEd nitE...it wAs aLmOst miDnitE & i wAs rELi tOo tirEd tO stUdy fOr the chEmiStry tEst...mS pEng oSo v wAd dE u nOe! shE nOes the cOursE eNds sO lAtE yEt shE inSists tt the chEm tEst is tO b hELd oN thE fOllowinG dAy! kaOz...hOw sUx cAn shE b? in the end..i rELi dUn nOe hOw tO dO thE tEst! shit La...faiL Le La! & tO tiNk i evEn sEt my gOals tO get 7 As fOr O levEls! bUt its gOod tT i hAf drEaMs ritE? hAhAz...

i wEnt n wAtch i dO i dO wiF my fwEns aFt sch tOdAy...it rELi is a v nicE lOcAL mOviE! it rEfLects aBt siNgAporEans liFe nOh...lOlx! mUz gO wAtch wOr~ rELi nicE & fUnNy...u wiLL LuFf until u pEng dE...hAhAz~ i hAd pOa & dNt tEst tOdAy...dint rEli stUdiEd mUch fOr it...jUz hOpE i can pAss...*siGhs*

iM a spRing...=D
Monday, February 21, 2005, 11:36 PM
You are a spring. You are very mellow most of the
time except for the caffine season (which is
year round) but you are also a very nice
person. When people tick you off though God
better save them. lol. You are a fairly
sociable person because people know you won't
get mad too easily or seem to. But you are a very
nice person over all. ^-^

What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

sh0ooo mUch tEsts! aRgHhhh...=/
Saturday, February 19, 2005, 11:51 PM
i dUn hAf mUch tO tOk abOut tOdAy cOz nth mUch hAppEnEd...jUz stAyEd at hOmE fOr thE whOLe dAy...wAstiNg my timE & wAstiNg mY LifE...*hAiz* I wAsn't rELi pUttiNg iN mUch eFfOrt iN my stUdiEs though i sAid tT i wAntEd tO stUdy tOdAy...gUess i'll jUz sTart...tOmmorOw? =.= *siGhs*

wEnt kbOx wiF my frEns yEstErdAy aFt sCh...oNLy jOcELyn & siQi dint cOmE wiF uS...othEr dEn tT...tHe whOLe gAng oF us wEnt~ it wAs kiNda fUn aCtUaLLy...wE sang & sAng & sAng....pLayEd & pLAyEd & pLayEd~ hMm...aFt tT, aMandA accOmpAniEd mE gO eAt diNnEr...sO nicE oF hEr! shE rOx~ =P

sO mAny tEsts nOwadAys niA...yEstErdAy gOt 3 tEsts dEn diS cOming wK gOt 4 tEsts! *fAintS* sOoo strEssEd uP! wh0 ask thE sCh cOmE oUt wiF thE stUpid 'cOmmOn tEst dAy'! all the tEst cRaMmEd uP in a dAy~ aRgH! LuCkiLy i mOndAy, tUesdAy & wEdnesdAy gOt supEr tEens cAmp...so at Least dUn hAf tO tAke sO mUch tEst at onE shOt...cAn wait untiL tHurs n fRi...likt Tt mY bUrdEn will b sLigHtLy LeSsEr...hMm...tMl mUz rEvise Le...iF nOt surE diE dE...

kKx...iM gOing tO watch mY fRuits bAskEt Le!~ bUai...

wEe!~ cHi nEw yR iSh fiNaLLy hErE...
Sunday, February 13, 2005, 1:28 AM
hMm...sO LoNg nv uPdAtE Le wOr~ I wAs bUsY mA...wiF chinEsE nEw yR & stUfFs~ sO mUch exCitiNg tiNgs hAf hAppEnEd in the pAst 1 wK~ hEex~ bTw, hApPy chInEsE nEw yR tO aLL~ *gOng xi fA cAi* =D

sAtUrdAy, 5 fEbUarY 2005 ---> wEnt tO chiNatOwn tOdAy...it wAs sOoooo pAckEd~ fULL oF pPL...i cAnt evEn rMb oNe miNutE wEn i diNt c aNy pPL~ it wAs pAckEd wiF pPL evErywHerE...*rEn shAn rEn hAi* i wAs sQuEeziNg aLL thE timE...tRyiNg tO gEt thRgh thE crOwd & tAkE a pEek at thE stAlls~ swEatiNg likE mAd mAn~ *eEeEe* mY mUm bOught lOts oF nEw yR gOodiEs wOr~ frOm mAndrAins tO swEets~ alOt La~ *yUmMy* i gUeSs thE uPcOmiNg nEw yR wiL b rELi fUn!~ hAhAz...

tUesdAy, 8 fEbUarY 2005 ---> itS nEw yRs evE~ lOlx~ i wAs sUpposEd tO mEet uP wiF aMandA & gRp tO gO n hAf brEakfAst b4 gOing tO sCh dE...bUt whO nOes! mY mUm fOrgOt tO wAkE mE uP...sO i diNt gO nOh~ LuCkiLy i wAs in timE fOr sCh aR...bUt i hAd tO tAke a cAb dOwn cOz i wAs rELi LatE...=P dErE wAs a chI nEw yR pErfOrmAncE in sCh tOdAy & evEry cLz was sUpposEd tO hAf a mAscOt~ oUr cLaSs mAscOt wAs dEwEi & wE drEssEd him uP aS *chUn Li* ...hE lOokEd rELi cUtE wiF 2 biG mAndraiNs on hiS hEad...lOlx~ i hAd tO stand uP & giF hiM fLowErs wEn hE cAmE oUt...sO pAisEh niA~ diS yR's rEuniOn dinnEr wAs tO b eatEn oUtsidE...wE wEnt tO a sEafOod rEstRaUnt at iMm! nice hOr...i eNjOyEd mYsELf v mUch~ =D

wEdnEsdAy, 9 fEbUarY 2005 ---> iTs thE firSt dAy oF nEw yR~ *dA niAn cHu yI* wEnt tO mY aH mA hsE tOdAy...wE hAd LuncH dErE~ dErE wAs pLeNty oF fOod~ i atE untiL i cOuLd pUkE~ hAhAz...rEciEvEd lOts oF aNg bAos tOo~ bUt sOmEtiNgs hAppEn dEre & it mAdE mE fEEL v iRritAtEd~ dUn wiSh tO mEntiOn it...aNywAy, oN nEw yR, oNLy hApI tiNgs sHLd b mEntiOnEd ritEx? =) i gAmbLEd fOr the fiRst timE in mY LifE tOdAy & i wOn $1~ lOlx...a sMall aChievEmEnt in mY lifE wOr~ we pLayEd bLackjAck Loh...LuckiLY mY aUntiE wAs thE bAnkEr...nOt mE...iF nOt i sUrE Lose $ dE...=P wEnt tO my brO's hsE aFt tT...hAd dinnEr ovEr dErE tOo! aN eNjOyabLe dAy...bUt thE sAd tiNg wAs tT...i dEvELopEd rAshEs!!! mUz b bcOz i hEaty bA...=(

tHuRsdAy, 10 fEbUarY 2005 ---> hMm...aMandA, eiLeEn, sHi piNg, kAirOng, shU xUan, dAphnE & mE wEnt to eAch othEr's hsE tO bAi niAn tOdAy~ siQi jOinEd uS LatEr...it wAs rELi fUn Lo...wE gAmbLEd & jOkEd aRnd~ aNywAy, oUr bEts wErE rELi sMaLL...gUeSs hOw mUch i wOn?! 20 cEnts...-.- bUt aT LeAst i wOn sMtHg ritEx...hAhAz~ wE wEnt dAphnE's hsE fiRst, fOllowEd bY aMandA, mE, kAirOng, eiLeEn dEn shu xUan...kAirOng wEnt hM hALfwAy cOz shE wAsn't fEeLiNg wELL...hMm...wE hAd LuncH at siQi's fAthEr's stAll...thiEr bAh ku tEh wAs v nicE~ sOmmEmOre v cLosE tO mOi hsE~ i hAd stEambOat fOr dinnEr...atE it wiF my famiLy...hAhAz~

fRidAy, 11 fEbUarY 2005 ---> aCtUally tOdAy gOt sCh dE...bUt i diNt gO~ cOz i hAvEn gOt ovEr thE nEw yR mOod + im hAviNg rAshEs...hRd tt mAny pPL dint gO tOo~ hMm...stAyEd at hM fOr tHe fiRst hALf oF thE day dEn went oUt in thE eveniNg nOh~ i wEnt & mEet aMandA, eiLeEn, sHi piNg & dAphnE...cOz wE gOing mRs tAn hsE mA...gOing dErE tO bAi niAn nOh~ shE livE v fAir niA...dEn wE tRavEllEd fOr qUitE sOmetimE b4 rChing hEr hsE~ hEr dAughtEr wAs rELi cUte nOh...v thiN tOo~ jUz likE mE!!! in sOmEwAys, wE r rELi simiLar...hAhAz~ likE shE kEeps jUmpiNg aRnd nOn stOp & kEeps pLayiNg wiF uS thOugh shE may appEar sHy at fiRst~ hEex....aFt tT, i wEnt & mEet mY mUm & my siS at rivEr hOngbAo....wE wALkEd aRnd & lOokEd at thE cOloUrfUL liGhts on diSpLay...wE went & c pPL aUctiOn tiNgs tOo...by thE timE wE rChEd hM...it wAs rELi LatE & i wAs reLi tiRed...

sAtUrdAy, 12 fEbUarY 2005 ---> wEnt kbOx wiF my jiE tOdAy...hAhAz~ i hAf bEen gOing oUt evEry dAy sincE nEw yR stArtEd~ aT fiRst, wE wEnt tO thE kbOx at cCk cOz wE mAdE oUr rEsErvAtiOn dErE...bUt kAOz! thE sErvicE dErE wAs rELi pOor & tHy evEn say tHy r gOing tO cUt oUr timE!!! i wAs sOoooo 'oN' & wAntEd tO rELi siNg tOdAy dE...bUt thY sPoiL mY mOod Le~ hMupH! in the eNd, wE wEnt tO jUrOng dE kbOx tO siNg...it was mUch mUch bEttEr dErE & tHy gAf uS timE eXtEnsiOn tO siNg oncE tHy knEw wAd hAppEn at thE cCk kbOx~ ovErALL, i eNjOyEd mysELf Lo...dEn i fELt tT i siNg kiNda wELL tOdAy tOo! hEex...

eEeks~ im stiLL hAviNg tT rAshEs tiNg...bUt at LeAst its bEtter nOw~ hMm...stAyiNg at hM tOdAy cOz gotta gO sCh tML...mUz rELi jiA yOu oncE sCh stArts~ k La...i gO sLp Le...nitEx~

0ucH! pLuckEd my eyEbr0ws t0dAy...=/
Friday, February 04, 2005, 11:39 PM
yOz yOz...iM bAck~ shOooo hApi wOr~ tOdAy fRi...dEn tML & sUndAy nO nEed gO sCh~ yEah~ hEex...sOmEmOrE chiNesE nEw yR is jUz arOund thE cOrnEr Le~ sO eXcitiNg~ lOlx...aLL thE tEsts wiLL sOon b ovEr~ bUt i hEarD tT aFt chinEsE nEw yR...dErE wiLL b pLEnty oF tEsts cOmiNg uP niA...*siGhs*

i wAs aCtuaLLy LatE fOr sCh tOdAy...bUt i mAnAgEd tO 'snEak oUt'...sO in thE eNd...i wAsn't LatE~ hEex...wE hAd a cOmprE tEst eArLy in thE mOrniNg~ *sibEi siAn aR* bUt iM gLad tt iT's ovEr...=D mOndAy gOt chinEsE tEst sOmEmOre niA...*hAiz*

aMandA, cLairE, dAphnE, eiLeEn, sHi piNg, kAirOng & mE wEnt oUt aft sCh tOdAy cOz aMandA wAn bUy hEr tOp fOr chinEsE nEw yR & dAp wAns tO bUy a skiRt nOh...mE wAn bUy a nEw wALLet tOo~ sHi piNg, cLairE, dAphnE oSo wAn tO cOLLeCt thiEr pAy mA...sO wE wEnt oRchArd tO shOp Lo~ bEfOrE gOing, wE wEnt tO mS kUek dE cLass tO dO sOmE dEcOrating Lo...wE oSo hAd sOmE dOubts abOut pOa tT we wan tO cLeAr uP~ tOdAy's Lunch wAs oN cLairE, dAphnE & shi piNg~ cOz tHy gOt thiEr pAy Le dEn tHy trEat uS eAt Lo~ thAnks tO dEm wOr~ lOlx...aFt gOing oRchArd...wE wEnt tO bUgis Lo~ bUt aLL oF us stiLL diNt rELi mAnAgEd tO fiNd thE thiNgs wE wAn~ *hAiz* wE sAw cOrEen & LynndA dErE tOo~ aFt tT...aMandA, sHi piNg, eiLeEn, kAi rOng & mE wEnt sEng kAng tO 'pLuck' eyEbrOw...eiLeEn & kAirOng diNt pLuck nOh...cOz eiLeEn gOing wiF heR mUm tO pLuck dEn kAirOng diNt rELi wAn nOh~ it wAs rELi pAinfUL fOr mE wEn my eyEbrOws aRe being pLuckEd~ cOz i gOt thiCk eyEbrOws mA...dEn v pAin...*sobx sObx* bUt it tUrnEd oUt tO b kiNda nicE lA...sO its wOrth thE pAin~ hEex...wEn i cAmE bAck hM...mY mUm & my siS dint nOticE tt i pLuckEd mY eyEbrOws...i dUn intend tO Let dEm nOe aNywAy~ LatEr thy cOnfiRm wiL sAy 'uR eyEbrOws sO thiCk & nicE~ gO pLuck fOr wAd?' diS kiNd of tiNgs dE... bUt i dUn cArE wAd tHy sAy~ cOz i wAn tO 'biAn mEi mEi'~ lOlx...=D

hAo Le La~ i stOp hEre Le...aBit tirEd oF writiNg Le niA...bUaix~ =)

g0t my hAir cUt lia0x...=)
Thursday, February 03, 2005, 9:26 PM
hiyEe~ bAck fOr anOthEr uPdAtE Le nOh...lOlx~ mE wEnt fOr a hAircUt yEstErdAy sO wEn i cAmE bAck hM...it wAs kiNdA LatE...sO I dint hAf thE timE to uPdAtE~ i oSo nEed tO stUdy for mY tEst mA...pAisEh wOr~ btw, i dint gO sCh yEstErdAy~ it hAs bEen agEs sincE thE Last timE i dint gO sCh...lOlx~ i gUai kiA mA...s0 evErytimE wiL g0 sCh dE~ =P

hMm...i hAd tO rEpOrt eArLy fOr sCh tOdAy cOz mS pENg wAns tO shOw uS thE dEmO fOr oUr chEm prAticAL...i aRrivEd oN timE wOr~ bUt hOr, tT mS pEng wAs LatE cOz shE 'ovErsLpT'...kAOz~ wAstE my timE oNLy~ hAi wO yAo wAkE uP sO eArLy dEn in thE eNd shE dint shOw aNythiNg~ *dULaN* tOdAy wEn i gO sch hOr...aLOt oF pPL sAy mOi hAir nOt nicE niA...tHy sAy mY Last timE tT hAirstyLe nicEr~ *sObx sObx* bUt i fiNd it kiNdA cUte nEh...diS hAir cOst abOut $30 niA~ iF nOt nice hOr...i wiLL b sOooooOooo sAd~ =( rEcEntLy, i gOt bAck mY twO tEsts...onE is chEmistRy & thE othEr iS phYsics...i dUn tiNk i diD v wELL~ *hAiz* i oSo diNt mAnage tO cOmpLetE mY mAths pApEr tOdAy~ i tiNk i wiLL faiL niA...i mUz rELi bUck uP in my stUdiEs Le~ jiA yOu jiA yOu jiA yOu!!!

aFt sCh...aMandA, cLairE, siQi & mE wEnt aNd hAd oUr LuncH at a nEarby cOffEeshOp...den aFt tt wE aCcompAny siQi gO bAck sch fOr hEr dentaL apPoiNtmEnt~ i sAw hiM tOdAy...hE stayEd bAck tO pLay sOccEr wOr~ i tiNk hE mUst haf sEen mY hAir Le bA...dUnNo wHethEr hE fiNds it nicE oR nOt niA~ tO mE, hiS cOmmEnts is mOrE iMpt dEn aNyonELsE~ wO hAo xiAng nI~ =(

wEnt t0 thE dEntiSt t0dAy w0r...
Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 8:57 PM
hEyOh~ wO hUi Lai Le~ =D iM frEe nOw sO i cAmE & uPdAtE my bLog Lo~ hMm...mAyb tML i wUn hAf thE timE tO uPdatE...cOz tML iM gOing fOr a hAircUt wiF my jiE & i dUn tiNk wE wiLL b cOmiNg hM eArLy + i gOt mAths & sOciAL stUdiEs tEst oN thUrs~ sO i nEed tO stUdy intEnsivELy tmL~ aRrrgGghHh...*strEssEd uP LifE*

i wAs LatE fOr sCh in thE mOrniNg bcOz oF a bUs accidEnt~ im nOt invOLvEd in it hOr~ i sAw it oNLy nOh...it Led tO a traffic jAm...tHus, i wAs LatE fOr sCh~ it LoOkEd sO sCaRy niA~ thE bUs & thE taxi cOllidEd tOgEthEr & thE wiNdsHield oF thE bUs sHattErEd...the taxi wAs aLsO cRushEd niA~ *sHivErs* LoOk at hOw uNprEdictABle Life is~ u nEvEr nOe wAds gOnnA hAppEn nExt~ *hAiz* hMm...tOdAy's aSsemBLy wAs a chinEsE opErA on 'wu sOng'...kiNdA nicE Lo...lOlx~ aFt tT, cOrEen, LyNndA & mE wEnt fOr oUr dEntAL aPpoiNtmEnt~ i wAs thE fiRst onE tO gO fOr thE chEck-uP & i aCtuaLLy fELt kiNda scArEd evEn thOugh i hAf bEen gOing tO the dentiSt sincE sEc 1...cOz hUiqi said tT wEn thE dEntiSt wAshEd hEr gUms, it was v pAinfuL...sO i fELt abIt sCarEd niA~ but tO mE, it wAsn't pAinfuL at aLL wen i wAs dOing iT...lOlx~ aNywAy, thE dentIst wAs rELi nicE~ mUcH bEttEr than thE aMk pRi onE~

i sAw hiM aFt sch tOdAy...hE stayEd bAck in sCh As weLL~ i was rELi hApPy tO c hiM...bUt hE brOkE my hEArt agAin tOdAy~ wEn cAn he stOp brEaking mY hEart? i rELi cAn't sEem tO fOrgEt hiM...dO i rELi likE hiM tT mUch? *im drOppiNg dEepEr & dEepEr intO diS LovE tRap* i miSs U...=(

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