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Mood: Excited. Quotes: “Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye, gone too soon.”
thE sMiLe tT iS g0ne f0revEr...
Thursday, March 31, 2005, 10:23 PM
cOmmUnicAtiOn brEakdOwn~ hOw i wiSh it dOn't exiSt betwEen uS...y cAn't wE tOk LikE hOw wE usEd tO? y iS it tT wEn bOth oF us arE aLonE iN rEALity...wE cAn't sEem tO tOk? y iS thE sitUatiOn aLwAys sO awKwArd? hAs thiNgs chAngEd fOrEvEr? iF oNLy tiNgs cAn gEt bAck tO hOw it wAs Last timE...i dUn tiNk i wiL feEL sO isOLatEd aNymOrE~ i fEeL sO aLonE sOmEtimEs...LikE i'm LiviNg in my owN wOrLd~ nOonE sEems tO nOe y i bEhAvE LikE diS....y i sUddEnLy kEep my mY mOuth shUt~ evEn yOu dUn sEem tO rELi nOe hOw i fEeL & y i bEhave LikE diS...aNd...i fEeL tT u dUn sEem to cArE abOut it anymOre...*iM LiviNg in my owN wOrLd agAin*

i hAtE thE sOund oF LaughtEr nOwadAys...i fEel sO sAd wEnEvEr i hEar sOmEonE LuFf frOm thE bOttOm oF thiEr hEart~ iN the pAst, i cAn LuFf likE tT tOo...y cAn't i dO sO nOw? iS it bcOz i chOosE nOt tO aNymOrE? i hAd diS sOuR fEELiNg in my hEaRt tOdAy tT mAdE mE fEeL LikE cRying...nObOdy wiL cAre aBt it aNywAy...sO y cRy? it oNLy mAkEs it sEems as iF u R tRying tO shOw othErs hOw sAd u R~ nO pOint in dOing sO aNymOrE...sO jUz hidE tT fEELiNg cOz iF u dUn...othERs mighT tiNk tT u R tRying tO gain pitY~ sO...jUz gO tO sCh & wEaR a fAkE smiLe evErydAy...wEar it & dun rEvEaL a siNgLe hiNt oF uNhAppinEss~ evEn thOugh...dEep insidE uR hEart u R bleEding...

im nOt aNti-sOciaL...i jUz fOrgOt hOw tO aPprOach pPL~ im dUn hAf aNy attitudE prObLEms...jUz tT i fOrgOt hOw tO smiLe frOm the bOttOm oF mY hEart~ LivE my LifE tO thE fULLeSt? im nOt dOing sO...iF nOt, i wOuLdn't hAf scOrEd sO bAdLy in mY tEsts...iF oNLy i can gO bAck tO thE timE in thE pAst...the timE whErE i cAn sMiLe, LuFf & tOk fRom thE bOttOm oF mY hEart...thE timE whErE wE cAn tOk aBt aNythiNg undEr thE sUn...dEn cAn i b trULy hApPy~ bUt tO mE...it sEems tO b dRiftiNg fUrthUr aWay...

i wAntEd tO pOst a sOng cALLed "brEakaWay" bY kELLy cLarksOn iN my bLoG...bUt i cAnt sEem tO aLigN in prOpErLy wiTh thE whOLe LayoUt...sUch a piTy~ it's sUch a nicE sOng...a sOng tT cAn pOtRay wAd i rELi hOpE tO bE...wAd i rELi fEeL....bUt Wads thE usE? nOonE undErstands it aNywAy....

[[brEakawAy - kELLy cLaRksOn]]

Grew up in a small town,
And when the rain would fall down,
I'd just stare out my window.
Dreaming of what could be,
And if I'd end up happy,
I would pray.

Trying hard to reach out,
But when I tried to speak out,
Felt like no-one could hear me.
Wanted to belong here,
But something felt so wrong here.
So I'd pray,
I could break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,Make a change, and break away.

Wanna feel the warm breeze,
Sleep under a palm tree,
Feel the rush of the ocean,
Get onboard a fast train,
Travel on a jetplane, Faraway, and break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I'll make a wish, take a chance,Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,Make a change, and break away.

Buildings with a 100 floors,
Swinging around revolving doors,
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me.
But I gotta keep moving on moving on,
Fly away, break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
Though its not easy to tell you goodbye.
Gotta take a risk, take a chance,Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget the place I come from.
I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,Make a change, and break away.
Break away, break away.

aiy0oo...n0 idEas f0r dNt! hELp~ =.=
Tuesday, March 29, 2005, 11:30 PM
sO fAn aR~ i cAn't sEem tO tHiNk oF aNy gOod dEsigN idEas! aH LeOw sAys tT bY diS wK wE mUz hAnd iN mAteRiaL LisT Le~ i dUn evEn hAf a sELeCted ideA...hOw tO dO uP my mAtEriaL LiSt~ oH gOd~ i nEed a gOod ideA...fAst!!!

aFt sCh tOdAy, wE shOuLd bE gOing tO tP dE...to c a dNt exHiBitiOn...bUt iN thE eNd we diNt gO...cOz nOt much pPL iN nA wEnt~ mOstLy iS xprEss dE...sO siQi, cLairE & mE diNt go nOh~ wE wEnt & eAt wiF aMandA, eiLeEn, kAirOng & shU xuAn instEad...lOlx! aCtuALLy fEeL kiNdA guiLty...cOz aH leOw bOok thE bUs iSh fOr 20+ pPL...den iN thE eNd oNLy 10+ wEnt~ hEard tT hE xiOng niA...tML hE sUrE tO kAO pEi uS dE...*siAn*

i crEatEd aN aC in frEnstEr knOwn aS *thE ten fLowErs aKa sHi duO hUa*...lOlx! itS aN aC tT rEprEsEnts aMandA, siQi, cLairE, aSp, eiLeEn, aH kAi, bUi, xUan, ah neO & mE~ it rEprEsEnts oUr friEndsHip nOh...mAi siAO siAo hOr~ aNywAy, TAN GUAN LIAN & hEr gaNg of bitChy frEns dELetEd thE aNti mE dE aC liaO LeH...hAhAz~ cOwArds~ wE wiN!!! (^o^)v

sO mUch tiNgs nv dO~ fOliO, hOmEwOrk, prActicEs~ aRgHhHhHhHh!!! iM gOing nUts...hEad gOing tO xPlodE liaOx...*hAiz* mE diS fEw dAys kEep LatE niA...3 timEs in a rOw mAn! gottA wAke uP eArLy tML liaOx...iF nOt LatEr LatE agAin hOr...nEed tO gO dEtEntiOn cLassEs Le~
i dun wAn jOin aSp! hEex...*sHakEs mY hEad mAdLy*

gO dO wOrk Le...ciaO~

g0ing t0 bUrn miDnitE 0iL Le...=.=
Sunday, March 27, 2005, 11:59 PM
a lAst miN uPdAtE 0F my bLOg~ thE timE iSh 11.59...lOlx~ sO zhUn hOr mE~ i wAs dOing mY hOmEwOrk jUz nOw...diNt cOmpLetE mUch thOugh...i iNtEnd tO sLoG thrOugh thE nitE tO cOmpLetE mY wOrk~ bUrn miDnitE oiL~ yUp!!! =D

nOthing mUch hAppEnEd fOr thE whOLe dAy...jUz tOkEd oN thE pHonE aLot tOdAy~ in thE aFteRnOon is tOk wiF cLairE...fOr aBt 2 hRs~ dEn aT nitE wAs aMandA...oSo fOr aBt 2 hRs~ a tOtAl oF 4 hRs~ wHew! bUt it wAs rELi nicE tOking tO dEm...hAhAz~

tHinkiNg bAck...i fEeL tT mY frEns rELi shOweD cArE fOr mE in aLot oF diFf wAys~ hMm...i'll tRy nOt tO isOLatE mYsELf Tt mUch...bUt if i dO...pLz dUn bLamE mE~ cOz its jUz a part oF mE...pLz dO undErstAnd~ nO mAttEr wAd...i lUb u gUys mAn~ lOlx...u nOE hU u R...mY gRp oF zAr bOrs! thE tEn oF u! yEsh U~ *mUacKs*

timE tO gEt bAck tO wOrk...*gOnE*

is0lati0n? yUp...tts mE...f0r n0w~
Saturday, March 26, 2005, 11:10 PM
stAyEd at hOmE tOdAy cOz thErE wAs pLeNty oF uNcOmpLetEd hMwRk tT i gOttA dO...i finALLy cOmpLetEd sOmE...bUt nOt aLL~ =.= hMm...kiNdA sOrry tO sOmE oF mOi fwEns...cOz ytD tErry gOt aSk mE gO oUt tOdAy...bUt in thE eNd i dUn wAnnA gO...dEn jiA cOng, hOng wEi & cOrEen oSo gOt aSk mE gO oUt tOdAy dE...bUt i oSo dUn wAn~ shO siAn...fELt likE stAying at hOmE...lOckiNg mysELf in thE rOom...gOing thrOugh aLL thE piLes oF hmwRk...tTs thE oNLy thiNg i wAnnA dO nOw~

hMm...ytD wEnt kpOoL wiF my fwEns~ i wAsnt v hApPy...cOz sMthgs hAppEnEd...bUt my frEns diNt nOe wAd mAdE mE sAd...sO wEn tHy aSkEd mE aBt it...i jUz kEpt qUiEt~ aFt tt...mOrE tiNgs hAppEnEd...bE it at hOmE oR oUtsidE~ i fEeL tT i'vE chAngEd aLot...nOwadAys i lUv to isOLatE mYsELF...whErE's thE oLd yEh yiNg? tT hypEr-aCtivE, aLwAys sMiLiNg yEh yiNg~ whErE is shE? iS shE gOnE fOrEvEr? LeAving bEhiNd a gLUm, mOody yEh yiNg? thE one whO sHuts hEr mOuth wEnevEr evEryonE aSk hEr wad hAppEns~ i hAtE diS yEh yiNg...i wAn thE oLd wAn bAck...bUt at thE sAmE timE...i wAn pPL tO lOok at mE diFfErEntLy...i dun wAn aNyonE tO lOok uPon mE aS a jOkE...nOt aNymOrE~ i wAn tO chAngE...rELi rELi rELi wAn tO chAngE~ fOr gOd's sAkE? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME??? *siNkiNg intO dEprEssiOn oncE mOre*

im tirEd...sO tirEd~ my stUdiEs iS in a mEss...mY LifE is in a mEss~ i dUn wAnnA tOk...i wAnnA b aLonE...dErE's ntH tO tOk...i wAn tO b isOLatEd~ tO aLL mY fwEns whO shOwEd cArE...tHx...i rELi apprEciAtEd it~ LovE u gUys mAn~ bUt...jUz Let mE b isOLatEd oK? aNywAy, i chOose diS bLogskiN cOz it sUits the currEnt stAtE i aM in nOw...u nOe...isOLatiOn~

*dArknEss is aLL arOund mE...i cAnt feeL thE wArmth aNymOre*

iM a h0pElesS r0mAntiC...*sMiLeS swEetLy*
Friday, March 25, 2005, 12:43 AM
You are a hopeless romantic like me. ^_^ You dream
about whoever all day (rarely anything else) ;)
Don't worry it's not a bad thing, believe me. So
what's holding you back! Go get 'em!

*UPDATED* What kind of love are you? ( COOL anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

c0wArdLy bitchEs...pUiz!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 11:10 PM
wE hAd a nAtiOnAL hEritAgE tOur tOdAy...hOw tO sAy Leh? it wAs kiNdA bOring aCtUally...wE wEnt tO pLacEs likE thE pAdAng, victOria mEmOriaL & thEatrE, bOat qUay, pLacEs whErE rAffLes LandEd bEfOre etC....wE oSo wEnt pLacEs likE URA tO c thE dEvElopmEnt oF siNgAporE...aBit siAn ritE?! hMm...bUt gOt LeArn a littLe fRm diS tRip lA...thOugh nOt mUch~ hAhAz...

eArLy in thE mOrning tOdAy, oncE i rEachEd sCh, i wAs in dEprEssiOn mOde~ i wAs sO qUiEt tT evEryonE sTartEd aSking mE wAd wAs wRng! fOr aLmOst thE whOLe tOur...i kEpt tO mysELf...rEfuSing to tOk tO pPL~ i onLy feLt bEttEr & stArtEd tOking a LittLe wEn the tOur is aLmOst eNdiNg cOz i gOt tO eAt my fAv "yU piAn mI fEn" wHich wAs lOcAtEd at cHinAtOwn! *yUmMy* I jUz diNt hAf thE mOod tO tOk tOdAy...dErE wAs sOmE sOrt oF pSychOlogicAL bArriEr tT mAdE mE kEep my mOuth sHut...i jUst diNt fEel likE opEning uP tOdAy~ dErE wAs oSo sOmE tOts tT mAdE mE fEeL dEprEssEd...i dUn wiSh tO List dEm dOwn hErE thOugh~ aNywAy, tHx tO aLL thOsE whO shOwEd cOncErn tO mE in onE wAy oR anOthEr...iM fEELiNg bEttEr~ dUn wOrrY...*sMiLes wEakLy*

aFt thE tOur, wE hAng aRnd in sCh fOr sOmEtimE b4 dEcidiNg whErE tO gO...iN thE eNd, aLL oF dEm eNdEd uP cOming ovEr tO my hsE...lOlx! wE sAng karAoKe & usEd my cOmp tO go oNLinE...& gUeSs wAd wE fOund? somEthiNg vEry vEry intErEstiNg~ sOmEonE aCtuaLLy crEatEd aN aNti aC fOr mE in frEnstEr...thE mOst aMazing tiNg is tT...i nOe hU diD dEm! thOsE bitchEs frM sEc 5H...tAn gUaN LiAn & hEr gAng oF bitChy frEns~

lOok bitchEs! iF u wAnnA oPposE mE...dun dO it bEhind my bAck! i hAtE diS kiNd oF cOwaRdLy aCts~ iF u dArE...dO it in frOnt oF my fAcE~ likE wAd dAphnE sAys " i'll b wAitiNg for U"~ & oSo...dUn tRy tO dO aNythiNg fUnNy oR mAkE mE mAd...cOz iF u dO...i'll b rELi aNgRy & u aLL wUn wAn to nOe wAd wiLL hAppEn tO U~ i'll swEar tO mAkE lifE misErAbLe foR U...gEt it? BITCHES!!! *pOints mY miDDLe fiNgEr*

nEw mtV f0r m0i bl0g...=D
, 1:11 AM
I'vE gOttEn a nEw mtV fOr my bLog~ hEex! =)

kELLy cLaRksOn's sincE yOu'vE bEen gOnE...

sO cOoL...

sO nicE...

i lUb diS sOng!

thE arrAngEmEnt is nOt v nicE thOugh...

hOpe u dOn miNd wOr!


[[crEdits tO cLairE~ fOr thE LiNk tO thE wEbBy~ =P]]

cArEer sEminAr at nYp~
Tuesday, March 22, 2005, 9:45 PM
dErE wAs a cArEer sEminAr fOr aLL thE grAdUatiNg cLassEs at NyP tOdAy...diS mEAn tT dErE wAsn't aNy LeSsoNs fOr thE whOLe dAy~ yipEe~ hEEx...=)

i mEt aManda, siQi & aH neO at mAc tOdAy at 7aM...wE hAd brEakfAst dErE & wE aCtuALLy gOt nEopEts sOft tOys aFt bUying thE brEakfAst vALuE mEaL~ hEex...i lUb nEopEts wEn i wAs in sEc 1 & 2...nOw nOt rELi tT likE liaOx~ hAhAz...dEn wE tOok a cAb dErE cOz wE wErE kiNdA rUnniNg Late u C...lOlx~ aFt tT, dAp, cLairE & eiLeEn mEt us dErE nOh...aSp diNt comE tOdAy wOr~ mUz b Lazy aR shE~ hAhAz! thE sEminAr stArtEd at abOut 8.15aM & thE first fEw tOks wEre kiNdA bOring sO i startEd tOking awAy...dEn in thE eNd, i wAs cAught by a tEachEr niA...dEn wAs fOrcEd tO stAnd at thE bAck~ *pAisEh* aCtuAlly stAndiNg at thE bAck oSo nOt sO bAd dE...at LeAst mY Legs dUn aChE sO mUch~ wE hAd tO sit at thE stAirs fOr 2 whOLe dAmN fArkiNg hRs duE tO thE Lack oF chAirs~ oF cOz oUr LeGs wiLL b nUmb...*diAo* =.= sOmEtimEs i wOndEr hOw thE sCh oRganisE tiNgs dE...chAirs oSo cAn nOt eNuFf dE~ kaOz!

aFt tT, wE hAd a tEa brEak (aNd tt was the onLy brEak we evEr hAf fOr thE whOLe dAy!) aNd we atE sOmetHings tO fiLL oUr stOmAch...thE fOod tAstE oK bUt it wasn't eNuFf fOr uS nOh...aFt tT, wE wEnt into the rEspEctivE LecturE hAlls tO listen tO thE diFf carEers fOr diFf cOursEs...fOr thE first sEssiOn, we hAd tO chOosE tO listEn tO eithEr cArEers iN hEaLth sCiEncEs, chEmicAL & LifE sciEncEs & bUsinEss mAnAgEmEnt oR cArEers iN eNginEeriNg, IT & dEsiGn...i chOosE thE fiRst onE cOz iM siMpLy nOt intrEstEd in thE sEcOnd onE~ hEex...thE sEcOnd sEssiOn wAs eithEr cArEers iN hotEL mAnAgEmEnt, tOurisM & mArkEtiNg oR mAss cOmmUncAtiOn & entrEprEnUerShip...i oF cOz 100% chOosE mAss cOmm dE La~ i Lub it sO mUch tT it bOost mY dEtErmiNatiOn tO gEt intO tT cOursE...aMandA sEems sAstifiEd wiF thE tOk tOo...i cAn't hELp bUt fEeL tT oUr intErEst iS aLmOst thE sAMe~ hAhAz...evEn thOugh nOt aLL oF us wEnt tO thE sAmE LeCturE hAlls...bUt at LeAst aLL oF us got a chAncE tO listEn tO thE typE oF cOursEs wE wAn...=)

dUriNg the cLosiNg, wEn the spEakEr aSkEd mE wAd is mY nAmE & wAd dO i wAn tO b in the futurE, aLl my fwEns mAdE fUn oF mE niA~ tHy sAy my nAmE is cyNdi wAng xiN LiNg & tT iM a pOp stAr...=.= i hAd aLways bEen jOkiNg aRnd wiF dEm sAying tT iM cYNdi...bUt i diNt nOe tHy wiL gO & tEL thE spEakEr those kiNd oF tiNgs! so pAiseh niA...rEli lOr~ i fELt aBit aNgRy at tt timE aCtuaLLy...lOlx~ bUt im oK liaO...sO dOn wOri!

acTually, sOmEtimEs iM not rELi hU u aLL tiNk i aM...i gOt tRy my bEst tO pOtrAy the iMagE tT im qUiEt, gEntLe, sOft sPokEn & aLL thOsE stUfFs a gEr wOuLd dO...bUt in thE eNd, i wOuLd still b thE sAmE oLd crAzy bYy! cAn't stand mysELf sOmetimEs...i hopE tO chAngE thE wAy pPL tiNk oF mE...i hopE tO cHaNGe thE idEa tt pPL hAf wEn thy tiNk oF bYy! i dUn wAn dEm tO tiNk likE " oRh! bYy! sUpEr dUpEr siaO zAr bOr...v bHb~ sEeks attEntiOn~" i rELi dUn wAn~ i nOe i haf tO chAngE mYsELf...bUt dO u aLL nOw hOw hArd it is for mE tO dO sO anOt...dO u aLL nOe? i dUn rELi enjOy LeTtiNg pPL sAy & LuFf aBt everytimE...i jUz sMiLe oR LuFf it oFf...bUt dO u nOe tT my pRidE hAs bEen wOundEd sO mAny times tt i fEeL nUmb aBt it sOmetimEs...*hAiz* aNywAy, nObOdy nOes! i hAte mySeLf...=(

a sLackiSh yEt fUn mAr h0ls~ =)
Monday, March 21, 2005, 9:05 PM
I LoNg timE nv bLog liaO hOr? aBt onE wK niA...sOck yEe aSk mE uPdAtE my bLoG...sO i cOmE & uPdAte nOw lOr~ lOlx...

rEcEntLy, i've bEen vEry LaZy...i wAs tOo LazY tO cOmpLete my hOls asSignmEnts...tOo LaZy tO stUdy fOr my chEm tEst sEriOusLy...tOo Lazy tO uPdAtE my bLog~ somEtimEs i wOndEr...wAd is hAppEning tO mE? i nOe cLeArLy tT sLackiNg wiLL bRing mE nOwhErE...bUt i still chOosE tO sLack...for the whOle mAr hOls, othEr dEn gOing oUt, i hAf bEen sLackiNg~ oK...i nOe its timE to buCk uP in mY stUdiEs cOz i'll b tAkiNg my O's diS yR~ bLaH bLah bLaH~ bUt thE prOb is...iM nOt wOrkiNg hArd & i dUnnO y! oMg...whO can sAvE mE? *hAiz*
bUt at LeAst nOw, i hAf thE tOt oF wOrkiNg hArd~ so itS bEttEr tO stArt nOw dEn nEvEr~ =)

dUriNg thE mArcH hOls, i wEnt oUt fOr alOt oF dAys...i wAs oUtsidE aLmOst evErydAy! i nOe diS is bAd...reLi bAd! =.= bUt at LeAst, it wAs kiNdA fUn~ lOlx...sUch as thE stAy ovEr aT sEntOsA & LeArning hOw tO pLay pOoL etC...at sEntOsa, mE & my fwEns (aMandA, cLairE, siQi, eiLeEn, sHipiNg, jOcELyn, daphnE, kAirOng, shU xUan) rEli hAd alOt of fUn~ wE wOrE oUr nEwly-bOught bikiNi tO sUntAn~ wE oSo swAm in thE sEa wHich iS rELi sALty niA~ dEn wE oSo swAm in thE rAsA sEntOsa hOteL's swiMMiNg pOoL~ *sHiOk* dEn wE stAyEd ovEr at tT hOtEL oSo...lOlx~ we tOok alOt oF piCs dErE & wE crAckEd alOt oF jOkEs & diD alOt of fUnny tiNgs niA~ hEex! hOpE tO viSit dErE agAin wOr~ =P i oSo LeArn hOw tO pLay pOoL dUriNg thE hOls~ mAi siaO siaO hOr~ i bUay pAi dE...hEex~ LeArn 2 dAys oNLy cAn wiN othErs liaOx~ hEex...

tOdAy, aMandA, cLairE, siQi, dAphnE, eiLeEn & mE wEnt & wAtch spOngebOb sqUarE pAnts dE mOviE...lOlx~ it wAs rELi fUnNy & cUte niA...nO wOndEr aMandA likEs it sO mUch! lOlx~ dUnnO wAd hAppEn tO cLairE oSo...cOz dUriNg thE mOviE, shE wAs lUffiNg onE mOmEnt & the nExt mOmEnt...shE wAs dOziNg oFf! lOlx~ wE bOught mAc intO the cinEmA tO eAt...den wE hide it in oUr bAgs...dEn in thE eNd, wE kEna cAuGht in the cinEmA niA~ dUnnO hU pUo tOu uS dE...iF iM nOt wrOng, iSh thE st niCk gErs sittiNg bEhiNd us leH~ kaOz! dEn in thE eNd...dAp, eiLeEn & siQi dE fOod kAna cOnfiScAtEd...amandA, cLairE & minE wAs sAfE cOz wE wErE sitting insidE & wE mAnAgEd tO hidE oUr fOod in timE~ siQi & dAp v aNgRy lOr...bUt lUcky cAn gEt bAck in thE eNd...siQi aNgRy until nO mOod tO wAtch shOw sOmEmOrE~ dEn aFt wE rEdEem thE fOod liaO...wE gO eAt fiNish it lOr~ sO sUx dE niA...thE cinEmA~

hMm...aNywAy, i wAtchEd LemOny sNickEt's a sEriEs oF unfOrtUnAtE evEnts dUring thE hOls~ nice shOw leH~ hEex...i gOttA go dO my wOrk liaO...ciaO~ =P

d0 my qUiz...=)
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 1:32 AM

aRgHhHh! my eNg 0raL! =.=
Friday, March 11, 2005, 10:00 PM
thE mArch hOls r fiNally hErE! yEah~ fiNally cAn takE a brEak liaOx...bUt nOt fOr lOng...cOz i gOtta strEss mysELf dUring diS hOls...cOz iM rELi sLaCkiNg...sO gOttA bUck uP! =D

gOt my prOgrEss rEpOrt sLip tOdAy...i iMprOvEd iN sOmE subjEcts & i oso dEprOvEd in sOmE sUbjEcts...i rELi nEed tO pUt iN sOmE eFfoRt in mY sciEncE liaO cOz it dEprOvEd aLOt...eSp chEm...evEn thOugh i hAf tO lOok at tT mS pEng's lAn jiAo biN evEry chEm lEssOn...i gOttA wOrk hArd fOr my oWn sAkE! hAhAz~ today i cRiEd dUriNg dNt niA...cOz aH leOw aCcusEd mE oF nOt hAndiNg uP my fOlio wEn i diD! thE wOrsE tiNg iS tT wEn i cAn't fiNd it...hE aSk mE tO rEdO! hOw cAn likE tT dE...i fEL sOooo aNgRy yEt sAd at thE sAmE timE~ aH lEOw chAngEd aLOt liaO...Last timE hE nOt likE tt dE niA...nOw bEcoming mOre & mOre biAs le...*hAiz* afT sCh tOdAy...aLL oF us wEnt tO bUy bikiNi liaO...oNLy aH nEo diNt gO wiF us niA...cOz shE nOt fEeliNg wELL...hOpe shE gEts wELL sOon! aNywAy, iM lOoking rELi fOrwArd tO thE tRip to sEntOsA oN sUndAy! i hOpE tO hAf a rELi grEat timE dErE!

yEstErdAy, mR fOng tOok mE fOr oRal...& gUEss wAd? i hAf nEvEr been sOooooo hUmiliatEd iN my lifE! hE aCtuaLLy dOzEd oFf wEn i wAs gEtting intO tt cOnvErsAtiOn thiNgy! hOw can hE dO tT?! hE's sOooo scArstic! sUch a wEt bLanket! hE diNt even gaf mE a chAnce tO tOk fiNish the piCturE! wAh kaOz...tink im gOnnA scOrE bAdLY fOr eNg...LuciLy gOt chinEse oRaL tO mAkE mE fEeL bEttEr~ mDm LiU wEi prAisEd mE...shE sAy tT thE wAy i tOk iS likE tAiwAnEse stUdEnt wOr! dEn shE sAy v gOod...=D hEex...shOoo hApi!

hAiz...iM oN the vErge oF giviNg hiM up liaO...bUt i dUn tiNk i cAn lUv anOthEr pErsOn lik hOw i lUv hiM...unlEss i cAn mEet sOmEonE tt cAn rEpLacE hiM in mOi hEart...*mEmoriEs*

[[mOi 5tH bLogskiN~ nicE nicE? =D]]

eEeks! hE l0oks sh0 sCaRy...(O.o)
Tuesday, March 08, 2005, 9:47 PM
You will marry him and have one baby boy named
Dante. You both will start an alternative
clothing line together and become very

Which random guy will you marry? (.pics.)
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l0ng l0ng ag0...
Monday, March 07, 2005, 6:31 PM
oK oK oK...i nOe i lOng lOng timE nvR bLOg liAox...sO hErE i aM~ hMm...lAst wK wAs kiNdA hEctic...i dUn evEn rMb hOw i gOt thRgh lAst wK...nTh sEems tO b iN my miNd abOut lAst wK...it jUz sEemEd tO pAss so qUicKLy...sO qUickLy tt i cAn't rMb aNytiNg abOut it~ *hAiz* bUt dErE is sMtHg tT i rMb aBout lAst wK...& tT is i hAf wAstEd aLot of mY prEciOus timE oN sLEepiNg aNd nOt dOing aNy wOrk! =.= i oSo gOt lOts oF hEartbrEakiNg mOmEnts lAst wK...dUn wiSh tO tiNk aBt it aNywAy...*sigHs*

tOdAy...i tOok it aS a aLL nEw dAy fOr mE tO stArt ovEr agAiN~ i wOkE uP feeliNg rEfrEshEd! (cOz i sLpt for 14 hRs thE prEviOus nitE...=.=) hMm...wEnt tO sCh...dEn ntH intREstiNg hAppEnEd...it wAs jUz anOthEr nOrmAL dAy at sCh nOh~ aFt sCh...aMandA, cLairE, sIqI, dAp, piNg, eilEeN, aH nEo, aH kAi & mE wEnt tO kFc tO eAt loRx...gOt sO mUch pPL dErE niA~ nOt v oFten cAn gEt a chAnce tO c kFc sO pAckEd wiF pPL niA...lOlx! dEn sAw sOmE pPL tT we dUn wAn tO c dEre lOrx...sUay siA! -.- aFt tt, wE wEnt libRary tO borrOw & rEtUrn bKs lOrx...dEn sOmE dO hMwRk dErE nOh~ sO scarEd niA...diS thUrs oRaL prELiMs liaOx! sO fAst...(o.O) dEn dUriNg mArch hOls...wE gOing sEntOsA dE siLosO bEach tO sUntAn aRhx! hAhAz...wE fRi gOing tO gO bUy bikiNi liAox...sO exCitiNg! wE pLanniNg tO stay ovErnitE at sentOsa sOmEmOre...hAhAz...

diS yR...a fEw oF the sEc 3s sibEi gUai Lan niA...eSp thE gRp oF sUay zAr bOrs...v dE rUdE & nO rEspEct fOr uS! nO mAttEr wAd...wE oLdEr dEn dEm...hOw can nO biG nO sMall lEhx?! diS typE oF gErs mUz tEach dEm a lEssOn dE....oNe oF dEm iSh cOunsEllor sOmEmOre! wA liEwx...diSgrAcE aRhx! hatE thE 2 sUay zAr bOrs & thE nU mUo hOu aR! kApUiz...

tO thE oNe i trEasUrE thE mOst iN my hEart: i hAtE u & i lOve u at thE sAmE timE...bUt u dUn evEn sEemEd tO cArE aBt mE at aLL...u trEat mE likE im iNviSibLe! aM i rEli tt iRritAtiNg tO u...aM i rEli tt dEtEstabLe tO u? arEn't u evEn tOuch oF wAd i hAf dOnE?! i dUnnO wAd tO dO...iM sO lOst witHOut u...=(

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