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Mood: Excited. Quotes: “Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye, gone too soon.”
mEntaLLy tirEd...
Monday, May 30, 2005, 11:10 PM
wEe~ fiNaLLy iM bAck~ hEex...mY o lEbEL chiNeSe pApErs r fiNaLLy ovEr~ aFtEr 1 wEek oF intEnsivE prActisiNg ( fiNe~ i diD sLacK fOr a fEw days... =.= ) itS fiNaLLy ovEr~ bUt diS is nOt thE eNd...we wiLL b bOmbArdEd witH oRaLs, listEniNg pApErs aNd wRittEn pApErs vEry sOon~ diS is sO crAzy...i nEed a brEak~ aNywAy...i wAs quitE sAtiSfiEd wiF wAd i wrOtE fOr aLL mY pApErs tOdAy~ i jUz hOpE i dOn nEed tO rEtAkE dEm~ *prAys*

wEnt oUt wiF mY frEns aFt oUr pApErs todAy~ bUiz wEnt tO kbOx wiF pEiLiNg...thUs, shE diNt cOmE wiF us~ wE hAd oUr lUnch at mOs bUrgEr bEfOre cAtchiNg thE mOviE "mOnstEr-iN-Law"...it wAs rELi a grEat mOviE~ dAmn fUnNy~ it rELievE aLmOst aLL oF my strEss aNd mAdE mE lUff likE mAd~ hAhAz...i giF it 4 stArs~ bE sUrE tO cAtch it iN cinEmAs...i wAs so "affEctEd" bY the mOviE tT i wAs lUffiNg aLL thE wAy hOmE~ itS nOt kUa zhAng...its thE trUth~ hAhAz...=D

mAny tiNgs hAppEnEd lAst wK~ oncE agAin...i diScOvErEd sOmE stuFfs tT mAdE mE diSappOintEd~ bUt im tOo tirEd tO cArE...*mEntaLLy tirEd* thE mOst hAppEniNg tiNg tT hAppEnEd wAs bUiz 18tH bdAy~ shE's 18~ sO fAst...dErE's sO mUch tiNgs tT shE cAn dO nOw sincE shE's 18 yRs oLd~ shE cAn wAtch M18 mOviEs, smOkE ( iM nOt eNcOurAgiNg hEr tO smOkE~ ) aNd shE's onE stEp cLosEr tO frEedOm~ *xiAn mU* hMm...we hELd a sMaLL cELebrAtiOn fOr hEr at brEeks~ derE wAs a bdAy cAkE, prEsEnts & stuFfs...bUt i gUess thE PERSON prEsEnt dErE wAs thE mOst iMpOrtAnt~ hAhAz...wEnt tO hEr hsE aFt tT~ fOolEd arOund aS uSuAL...hOpE shE likEs thE nAvEL riNg, brAcELet, brA aNd the littLe amEndmEnts sHi piNg mAdE to thE brA~ hAhAz...hopE shE eNjOyEd hEr 18tH bdAy~ hAPpy 18tH bdAy dAphnE~ =D

wE tOok sOmE piCturEs wEn we r ovEr at dApHnE's hsE on hEr bdAy~

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[ sHipiNg "cUe" uNtiL cAn't c hEr facE Le~ =D ]

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[ aMaNda's the oNLy onE in hM cLothEs~ =) ]

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[ pUnchiNg thE bdAy gEr : dAphnE~ ]

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[ bA gEi dE flOwErs pOintiNg at dAp~ ]

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[ aManda, dAp & xUan tAkE pAsspOrt phOtO~ ]

i dunNo hOw to cOpE wiF the uPcOming evEnts oF my LifE~ *hELp mE, gUidE mE...wAdevEr~*

uR sMiLe iSh bAck...
Monday, May 23, 2005, 5:04 PM
iF uR wOndEriNg y diNt i bLog fOr thE pAst 2 dAys...thE rEasOn is bcOz mY miNd wAs eMpty! i diNt nOe wAd tO bLog~ i jUz diScOvErEd sOmEthiNg tT shOuld mAkE mE kiNda sAd...bUt sUrpRisiNgLy, i fELt nOthiNg! prObAbLy bcOz i wAs tOo lAzy tO cArE oR bcOz mY 'yi xiNg biNg' nOt tT sErious Le~ iN the pAst...i wiLL gEt kiNdA wOrkEd uP wEn i disCOvErEd tiNgs likE dis...bUt nOw? nO mOre Le! *wO yi jiNg hEn fAn dE kAi Le*

I hAd bEen rEvisiNg my chinEsE fOr diS fEw dAys~ pUt in alOt oF effOrt...sO i hOpE mY hArdwOrk pAys oFf~ i jUz hOpE Tt evErythiNg cAn gO on smOothly from nOw oN...i wAntEd tO pUt uP the claSs pHotOs i got oN fRidAy dE...bUt my scAnnEr is sPoiLed~ sO I cAn't scAn it oUt~ diS iS the fiRst timE i bOught claSs phOtOs...lOlx! cOz lAst timE i fELt tt its a wAstE oF monEy...bUt sincE dis yR is oUr lAst yr in mFss Le...sO i dEcidEd to bUy Lor~ wAhAhAz...(cLairE~ iF u c diS eNtRy...i wAs jUz wOndEriNg wHethEr cAn u hELp mE scAn oUt oUr cLaSs phOtOs? hEex...)

actUally...iM nOt a pErsOn whO's v gOod witH wOrds thUs i cAn't rELi cOnvEy wAd i wAn tO tEL u viA spEech~ i aM nOt "YOU"...sO i wUn undErstAnd how mUch u hAf bEen tHrgH wiF hEr bY uR sidE aLL diS yRs....bUt jUz dUn cArE aBt hEr~ cOz itS uR LifE....not hErs~ aNd u r LIVING UR OWN LIFE...uR LiviNg fOr uRsELf~ nOt fOr hEr...aS lOng aS u cAn Live mUch mUch hAppiEr dEn hEr...shE hAs aLr lOst tO u! cOz u can hAf a hAppiEr LifE...bUt shE cAn't...gEt it?! lOlx...b hApPy~

[[ iM gLad tT u fOund a pErsOn whO cAn mAke u sMiLe... ]]

i miSs eUu vEry mUch...
Friday, May 20, 2005, 11:32 PM
i typEd a sUpEr lOng eNtRy fOr tOdAy...bUt stUpid bLoggEr wEnt bOnkErs aNd mY eNtRy wEnt *pOof* gOnE~

i thiNk iM gOing tO fALL siCk agAin~ thE syMptOns oF a v bAd cOugh, fLu aNd fEvEr is aLr aPprOachiNg~ O lEbEL chinEsE is gOing tO b hEre is lEss dEn 10 dAys timE aNd lOok at wAd iM dOing?! oNLinE aNd chAttiNg oN the phOnE?! diS cAnnOt dO~ i shOuld b stUdyiNg~ i cAnnOt fALL siCk~ mY chinEsE pApErs r gOing to b hErE Le~ aRgHhHhHhhHh~

i pAssEd mY eNgLiSh! bUt i diNt scOrE v wELL thOugh~ i aM rELi uPsEt wiF mY eNgLiSh rEsULts~ diS shOuldn't b wAd i shOuld b scOriNg~ mY drEaM oF gEttiNg intO mAss cOmm shAttErEd intO piEcEs wEn i sAw my mArks~ *diSappOintEd* i pAssEd aLL my sUbjEcts excEpt fOr cOmbinEd sCiEncE~ thOugh i pAssEd mOst oF my sUbjEcts...i diNt rELi scOrE wELL~ i shOuld b scOriNg wELL aNd nOt fAiLiNg aNy sUbjEcts~ i shOuld bE pAssiNg aLL mY sUbjEcts! bUt miRacOusLy...i pAssEd mY mAths~ aNd thE wOrst thiNg is tT...iM nOt the tOp~ *hAiz* aLL i wAnnA do nOw is cOncEntrAtE oN mY chinEsE...i wiLL be bAck~

aFt sCh tOdAy...i went oUt wiF aMandA, cLairE, siQi, sHi piNg aNd eiLeEn~ we wEnt tO J8 cOz aMandA wantEd tO bUy a prEsent fOr hEr dAd~ wE tOok nEopriNts aNd shOppEd arOund tOo~ i bOugHt a nEw comb aNd i fiNd it dAmn nicE~ hEex...shipiNg aNd cLairE bOught sOmE stickErs tOo~ aMandA bOught a cAkE fOr hEr dAd in thE eNd~ i wAntEd tO tAkE a LoOk at sOmE bOoks aNd CDs dE...bUt diNt rELi gOt a chAncE tOo~ *diSappOintEd* we wEnt hOmE at aBt 3+ aNd i wAs sO tirEd tT i tOok a nAp iMmEdiAtELy oncE i rCh hOmE...

oN thE wAy tO J8...wE sAw xiAng jiE aNd pEijiN~ fElt hAPpy aNd sAd at thE sAmE timE wEn i sAw hiM~ hE hAs bEcOmE mOre sHuAi Le...yEt at thE samE timE...mOre aNd mOre cOld towArds mE~ i kEpt smiLiNg likE aN idiOt...bUt i jUz cOuldn't hELp it~ i wAs rELi hApPy to c hiM...bUt hE diNt evEn bOthErEd tO giF mE a lOok~ sO wAds dErE tO b sO hAppY aBt? i kept lOokiNg at hiS fiNgErs wEn i sAw hiM...cOz i wantEd tO c wHethEr diD hE wEar thE riNg i gAf hiM~ bUt hE wAsn't wEAriNg aNythiNg oN hiS hAnds...mAyb hE hAs aLr thrEw aWay the riNg i gaf hiM...whO nOes mAn~ sOmEhOw...i fELt rELi hAPpy to c U~ aNd i tiNk i stiLL LovE yOu...*hAiz*

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eH...shOuld i wAtch tV oR stUdy mY chinEsE? iM stiLL tHiNkiNg... *dEep iN mY oWn thOughts*

i wAnnA b a hAppiEr pErs0n...
Thursday, May 19, 2005, 4:59 PM
gOt bAck mY rEsULts tOdAy~ kiNdA diSapPoiNtEd wiF the mArks i'vE scOrEd~ i fAilEd mY cOmbinEd sciEncE~ it wAs tt stUpid chEmiStRy tT pUllEd mY mArks dOwn~ i hAvEn gOttEn bAck mY eNgLish pApErs~ i hOpE i cAn pAss cOz iF i dUn...i dUnnO wAd tO dO~ thE mOst iMpOrtAnt sUbjEct tO mE~ i cAnnOt fAil...*hAiz* hEy frEns~ chEer uP k~ itS jUz the miD yR pApErs~ aS lOng aS wE cOntinuE pUttiNg in efFOrt...bY thE timE wE rCh oUr nAtiOnaL exAms...i believE wE cAn mAkE it dE~ cOncentrAtE on chinEsE for nOw~ itS 11 dAys tO oUr O lEvEL chinEsE pApErs...wOrk hArd~

oN my wAy hM jUz nOw...i sAw aN iNdiAn bAby gEr~ dAmn kAwAii~ shE wAs likE stAring aT mE wiF hEr biG biG eyEs...n hEr mOuth iS sO sMaLL~ rELi adOrabLe~ hAhAz...dEn in the eNd...i cOuldn't hELp bUt sMiLe~ cOz shE's sO cUtE~ hAhAz...i diNt takE a nAp cOz i wAntEd to pAck mY rOom dEn stArt oN my rEvisiOn fOr chinEsE~ gOing tO stArt rEaL sOon~ hEex~

i aM stiLL uNabLe tO rEvErt bAck to my hApPy gO lUcky oR pOsitivE thiNking attitUdE~ cOz iM stiLL bEing wEighEd dOwn bY prObLems~ *siGhs* y dO i hAf tO b sO emOtiOnaL at timEs? so eAsiLy jEalOus aNd i wAn evErythiNg tt i likE tO belOng tO mE? i hAtE dis kiNd of chArActEr~ iM rELi a scOrpiO pErsOn...*hAiz*

frAnkLy spEakiNg...i dUnnO whEthEr dO i stiLL fEeL aNythiNg fOr u~ wEn i lOok at u sOmetimEs...i gOt diS intEnsE fEeLiNg for u~ bUt sOmetimEs...i jUz fEeL likE kiCkiNg u oUt oF my lifE~ bUt frOm wAd i c...u sEem to b avOidiNg mE oR giviNg thosE nEgAtivE cOmmEnts abOut mE~ i shOuld b cOndEmmiNg u aNd fOrgEttiNg u~ bUt sOmEhOw...i stiLL thiNk tt dEep withiN u...dErE is stiLL the oLd "yOu" i nOe~ mAyb tTs y iM stiLL hOLdiNg oN? stUpid mE...

hAi tUn wAn liAn rEn rOcks~ i cAnt wAit fOr it tO stArt at 7.30 tOnitE~ hEex~

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[[ iM gOnnA b a hAppiEr pErsOn~ i wiLL mAkE sUre oF tT~ =D ]]

kb0x hELps rElievEs strEss~ =D
Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 10:41 PM
i aM sUpEr dUpEr tirEd nOw~ i gOt diS fEeLiNg tT i can dOzE oFf aNy mOmEnt~ hAhAz...tirEd aS in bOth pHysicALLy aNd mEntaLLy~ tiNk im gOing tO haf aN eArLy nitE sincE i hAd sUch a tiRiNg aNd lOng dAy~ i diNt tAkE aFtnOon nAp oSo...sO~ hEh hEh...sLeEpiNg b4 11 pM~ =D

aFt mY pOa pApEr 1 tOdAy...mY frEns aNd i wEnt tO kbOx tO cELebrAtE thE eNd oF oUr exAms~ (nOt exActLy ovEr La~ cOz stiLL gOt CME aNd cHinEsE listEniNg pApEr tML...=.=) wE wEnt hOugAng dE kbOx...sAng fRm 11aM tO 2pM~ den extEndEd thE timE tO 7pM~ sO its 11 tO 7~ wOotx~ sO lOng niA...i tiNk its my fiRst timE bEing iN kbOx fOr sUch a lOng timE~ hAhAz...it wAs v fUn~ thOugh i diD gEt a littLe dEprEssEd at fiRst...cOz i hAd sOmE dEprEssiNg tOts wEn i wAs dErE~ sOmEhOw listEniNg to thOse lOve sOngs aDds tO thE sAdnEss i fELt~ bUt...i fELt bEttEr aFt tT~ hAhAz...it wAs the nOrmaL 'crAckiNg oF jOkEs' aNd 'fOoliNg arOund'~ hAhAz...aNd dErE wAs a v cUtE wAitEr dErE~ hE's nOt sHuai at aLL~ lOlx...bUt hE sEems tO b thOsE hOnEst aNd tOot tOot kiNd dE...hAhAz~ wE gOt di siaO hiM oSo...lOlx~ i gUeSs evEryonE enjoyEd dEmsELvEs...

im tirEd...cAnt bLog aNymOrE~ uPdAtEs tML~ oMg! rEsUlLs oN tHuRs~ =.=

[[ it hAs almOst hEalEd~ bUt im afrAid tT thE wOund wiLL b tOrn apArt agAin~ ]]

w0rds tT hUrt...
Monday, May 16, 2005, 10:21 PM
i tiNk iM gOnnA fAiL mY OraL~ cOz i hAf diFficULty cOmmUnicAtiNg tO pPL~ nOwadAys...i tEnd tO stOp miD way in a cOnvErsAtiOn! W-H-Y? eH...sO nOt mE~ i tOt i cAn tOk nOn-stOp fOr a vEry lOng timE? aRgHhHhhhHh~ Si LiaO La...i kOu cHi Le~ =.= i wAn tO tOk tOk tOk likE mAd~ giF mE thE abiLity tO tOk nOn-stOp~

jUz a fEw miNs agO...i tRiEd tO cOmmUnicatE tO sOmEonE~ bUt i wAs stAbbEd in thE hEaRt~ i am aLrEady trOubLed bY alOt oF prObLeMs...hOpiNg tO fiNd sOmEonE tO tOk tO~ bUt wAd hAppEns? i wAs hUrt bY wAd othErs sAy agAin~ mAyb othErs r aLrEady trOubLed bY thiEr oWn probLems aNd tHy jUz dUn fEel LikE hEariNg minE...sO i cAnt blamE dEm~ bUt it jUz hUrts wEn u r bEing tOld tT tHy dUn feEL LikE listEniNg...i cRiEd aFt hEariNg it~ mY tEars jUz stArtEd fLowiNg~ nO mAttEr hOw othErs eNcOurAgE mE...it dOesn't sEem tO b wOrkiNg~ mY hEart jUz fEeLs sO sOur...

oK~ i hAf dEcidEd to lEad a nEw LifE fRm tML onwArds~ iM gOing tO b mYsELf~ tOk lEssEr, giF lEssEr cOmmEnts rEgArdiNg iSsuEs aNd kEepiNg tO mYsLef wiL b mY pErsOnALity fRm tMl oNwArds~ i wiLL kEep aLL mY prObLems tO mYsELf...tTs the bEst wAy nOt tO mAkE othErs fEeL iRritAtEd~ itS sO hArd...bUt i gottA lEaRn~ im gOing tO trEat evErybOdy in thE samE wAy..."yi sHi tOng rEn"! yEs~ tTs riGht...

i fEeL sO hUrt...nOonE fEeLs likE listEniNg tO mE~ i aM aLonE oNce agAin~

diS rEli dEscRibEs hOw i fEeL nOw...

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[[ thE tRuE sMiLe tT is gOnE fOrEvEr...]]

wAtch mE gr0w uP...
Saturday, May 14, 2005, 4:52 PM
i chAngEd mY skiN agAin~ diS timE...chAngEd it tO sOmEthiNg tT pOtrAy hOw i feEL nOw~ hAhAz...i fiNd it nicE~ aS in thE dEsigN aNd thEmE~ cOoL mAn~ hAhAz...aNd u nOe wAds thE GREATEST THING? i nOe hOw tO hOst piCturEs Le~ fiNaLLy! heEx~ u aLL confiRm cAn gEt tO c mY fAcE mOrE oFtEn in mY blOg nOw...hAhAz~

aCtUally iM kiNdA dEprEssEd wiF sOmE prOblEms~ pArtLy iS my sTudiEs aNd the othEr iS my famiLy~ *hAiz* mY dAd kEeps smOking aNd driNkiNg...nOwadAys mOre oFtEn Le~ aNd hE's sO nOisy at hOmE...aLwAys bLabbEring nOnsEnsE aNd shOutiNg aNd scrEamiNg~ cOughiNg aNd cOughiNg evErytimE...dErE's sMtHg v wrOng wiF hiS hEalth~ im sUrE oF it~ tOkEd tO hiM a fEw timEs aBt gEttiNg a mEdicaL chEck-uP...hE fiNaLLy wEnt rEcEntLy~ aNd hE sEemEd uNwiLLiNg tO tEL uS thE rEsUlts...i bUggEd hiM lAst nitE aNd hE sAys nOthiNg La aNd hE's aBsolUtELy hEaLtHy...i rELi dO hOpE sO! i jUz hOpE im thiNkiNg tOo mUch...mUmMy nO jOb Le~ jiE jiE cAmE dOwn wiF a hiGh fEvEr lAst nitE...mY sTudiEs is dEprOviNg~ aRgHhHhhhh~ hELp!

a fEw mOrE pApErs to gO~ strivE oN wiLL yA? i hOpE i cAn...=/

tO mY tEn fLoWers : thAnks fOr aLL uR hELp...=)

iF uR wOndEriNg whO r thE ten fLoWers i mEntiOnEd in mY bLog everytimE...tHy r a grOup oF gErs tt i hAng oUt wiF evErytimE~

hErE ARe thE tEn fLoWers~

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prEtty bAbEs lEh~ hEh hEh...dUn drOoL~ lOlx...=P

timE tO stArt rEvisiOn oN pOa Le~ ciaO...

thE bEst aDvErtismEnt s0ng...
Thursday, May 12, 2005, 10:24 PM










i cAn c thE rAinbOw...

c thE rAinbOw...

c thE rainbOw tOo...

[[ thE thEmE sOng fOr thE aUstrALia advErtiSmEnt~ thE bEst aDvErtismEnt sOng i'vE evEr hEarD... ]]

it hAs fl0wn aWay...
, 6:47 PM
thE exAms r aLmOst cOming tO aN eNd~ oNce it cOmE...thE tiNg i fEar most wiLL bEfaLL mE~ mY rEsULts~ i bEg u gOd...dUn lEt mE fAiL~ i wUn nOe wAd wiLL hAppEn to mE iF i fAil...i wiLL b sO ashAmEd to tEL mY pArEnts aBt it! sO ashAmEd to fAcE mYsELf~ evEn iF i dO fAil...i wUn b sUrprisEd bY it~ oR evEn c pArEnts...i wUn b sUrprisEd~ bUt i dUnno wAd cAn i dO n wAd i mUz dO~ cAn sOmEbOdy gUidE mE...?

aFt oUr pApErs todAy, wE wEnt n hAd lUncH at rAmAn tEn~ gUeSs who pAid fOr it? ME! (oK La...siQi pAid for thE dRiNks~ hAhAz...$20 hOr!) sAy hEart nOt pAin iS fAkE dE...$90 lEh~ hAhAz...bUt sOmEhOw...i dUn wAn my frEns tO pAy mE bAck~ dErE's nOt a nEed tO~ cOz...i jUz dUnNo~ jUz fEeL likE "its oK~ derE's nOt a nEed tO!" sOmEhOw...i bElievE in giviNg aNd gEttiNg~ cOz wEn u giF...u gEt a spEciaL kiNd oF fEeLiNg tT cAn aCtually covEr uP fOr uR lOst~ its jUz mAtEriaL wEalTh...nOt tT iMpt~ bUt it dOesn't mEan its nOt iMpt! itS iMportAnt...bUt nOt tT iMpt~ gEt it? hAhAz...sHi Bi sHoU lAi dE xiNg fU~

oN mY wAy hOmE tOdAy, i sAw a fEw scEnEs tT lEft a dEep imprEssiOn iN mY hEart~ fiRstLy, it wAs thE timE wEn i sAw 3 bOys oN thE mRt...dErE wErE in thiEr pRi sCh uNifOrm~ tHy wErE tOking in cHi...sAyiNg " hAhA~ zhAng dA hOu wO yAo bA wO de hAi zi sHa diaO~" i wAs likE "wAd? u wAn tO kiLL uR oWn chiLd wen u grOw uP? dUn u hAf aNy sEnsE oF hUmAnity?" dEn oN thE bUs...i sAw a chiLd sEatEd in frOnt oF mE~ hE dOesn't lOok v adOrabLe bUt hE sOmEhOw attrActed my attEntiOn tO hiM~ hE wAs tOkng tO hiMsLef in a v cUtE wAy~ oCaSsiOnally aSkiNg hiS mUm qUes~ bUt sOmEhOw i nOticEd thE bRuisEs on hiM~ hE lOoks like hE hAs bEen aBusEd! pOor cHiLd...

mY mUm lOst hEr jOb lE~ *hAiz* fiNanciAL cRisis~

[[ thE cLosEr u gEt tO hEr, thE fUrthUr wE dRiFt aPart... ]]

diSapp0intmEnt plAys a hUgE r0le in mY LifE...
Wednesday, May 11, 2005, 7:14 PM
iM sO diSappOintEd in evErythiNg i dO~ be it frEns, fAmiLy aNd sTudiEs...iM owAys sUch a fAiLurE~ iM lEft tO fEnd for mYsELf nOw...i cAn oNLy trUst mYsELf nOw...bUt sO? lifE stiLL hAs tO gO oN...nO pOint being sAd aLL thE timE~ bUt it sEems mEaniNgless tO b hApPy oSo...
aNywAy, nOonE wiLL undErstAnd...

i hAtE the fEeLiNg oF bEing aCcusEd aNd oSo to b miSundErstOod bY othErs wEn tiNgs r aCtuaLLy nOt likE diS~ bUt u can't giF a eXpLainAtiOn oSo...cOz othErs wUn bOthEr tO listEn~ aNd the wOrsE tiNg iS...u cAnt exActLy fiNd oUt wAd u r being miSundErstoOd fOr n yEt u hAf tO b trEated likE diS? sO uNfAir...thE wAy pPL lOok at U aNd the wAy tHy tOk~ sO scAry...oR aM i thE onE whO's tRuLy scAry aNd the onE tT mAkEs evEryonE avOid aNd rUn? i dOn't nOe aNd i dOn't wAn tO nOe aNymOrE~ a miLLiOn tOts cAn b rUshiNg tHrgH a pErsOn's miNd wEn u r sAying a pArticUlAr wOrd oR dOing a pArticUlAr aCtiOn...tHy miGht b cUrsiNg u oR thy miGht b prAisiNg u~ hOw i wiSh i can eNtEr thE minD oF othErs n fEeL wAd tHy fEeL~ its sO diFf tO pLeasE evEryonE...sO i jUz pLeAsE mysELf~ at lEast it mAkEs mE a hAppier pErsOn...

i giF uP tOtaLLy~ im sO tirEd...i stUdiEd fOr mY s.S pApEr wiF aLL my hEart...n i diNt mAnAgE tO cOmpLetE it~ it cOmpLetELy dEmOralisE mE...cOmpLetELy!

iF uR pErsEpEctivE oF mE chAngE bcOz oF wAd othErs sAy...den i dUnnO wAd tO sAy~ tOo mUch for mE tO hAndLe...tOo mUch~ i cAn oNy sAy oUt wAd i fEeL in hErE...cOz its thE oNly pLacE tT fEeLs wArmEr...

[[ diSapPointmEnt cOnsUmEs mE evErydAy ]]

iRritAtiNg aH s0h at mAc...l0lz~
Tuesday, May 10, 2005, 1:19 PM
SCHEMING~ i hAf dEcidEd to stArt evEry eNtRy wiF a nEgAtivE cOmmEnt uNtiL aLL thE nEgAtive fEeLiNgs diSappEars frOm mE COMPLETELY! oN thE wAy hM jUz nOw...i hAd alOt aNd alOt oF fEeLiNgs to blOg dOwn dE (FYI, thEy r mOstLy nEgAtivE~ =P) bUt i fOrgOt aBt dEm oncE i cAmE in hErE~ -.-" wiLL blOg it dOwn oncE i rMb...mUhahaha~ ((:

wE arE diSmissEd frOm sCh at abOut 9.30aM tOdAy~ thE pApEr fiNishEd at abOut tT timE mA~ hMm...i fELt tT thE chinEsE pApEr wAs rELativELy oK~ wEnt aNd atE wiF my frEns at siQi's hsE thE mAc dErE...lOlx~ i wAs stUdyiNg mOst oF thE timE i wAs dErE wiF dEm...it wAs uNtiL siQi mEntiOnEd sOmEthiNg abOut GHOSTS dEn diD i rELi pAid attEntiOn tO thiEr cOnvErsAtiOn~ b4 tT i wAs likE alOne iN my stUdyiNg wOrLd...hAhAz~ dEn...thE mOst SHOCKING thiNg hAppEn! mS aW spiLLed thE rEmAiniNg hALf oF hEr tEa oNtO mY bOok aNd eiLeEn's sKiRt bY aCcidEnt~ i wAs likE...DUH~ WAD HAPPENED?! aNd bEfOre i wAs fULLy zAppEd bAck tO rEaLity...i sAw my whOle bOok sOakEd wiF tEa~ (not thE whOle bOok La...mAyb a pAgE? hAhAz~) dEn wE stArtEd cLeAniNg aNd mOving arOund tO attEnd tO thE mEss~ it wAs dEn...aN AH SOH AND HER FRIENDS cOmmEntEd oN uS~ i diNt rELi hEar wAd dEy sAy xcEpt fOr thE wOrd "mAyfLoWer aR!" bUt hEard frOm mY frEns tT tHy gAf "mEan" cOmmEnts abOut uS~ sAyiNg tT we SCREAMED for nO rEasOn~ shE's crAzy...cOz wE SCREAMED fOr a rEasOn~ HELLO? TEA IS SPILLED U NOE? IF I POUR A CUP OF TEA ONTO U...U WILL SCREAM ANOT? gOng jiaO wEi...jUz sit dOwn dErE n miNd uR oWn bUsinEss La...=.=

aNywAy...cLairE aW~ iF u r rEading diS...dUn fEEL bAd or sOrry aBt it~ u jUz hAf tO pAy mE...tTs aLL~ mUahahAhA...((: its oK La...hAhAz~

wEn i haf aN idEa oF wAd thE nEgAtivE tOts r tT i tOt abOut eArLiEr...wiLL bLog it dOwn lAtEr tOnitE~ aBit tirEd nOw...mAyb i shOuld sLp? byE~

FARK OFF...wiLL yA? ..|..
Monday, May 09, 2005, 11:29 PM
I HATE IT! i hAtE pPL whO pUt thiEr nAmEs aS 'aNonNymOus' aNd stArt bLabbEring nOnsEnsEs oR cOmmEntiNg oN mE iN my tAgbOard~ I HATE DEM! tiMid pPL...shOo~ gEt oUt oF mY bLoGgiE~ mY bLOg DON'T wELcOmE cOwArds fOr uR iNfOmAtiOn...sO kiNdLy fArk oFf~ THANK YOU...=.=

wAd a bAd wAy tO stArt mY eNtrY fOr tOdAy~ sOmEtimEs, a fEw oF thiS kiNd oF PESTS cAn mAkE u fEeL rOttEn fOr thE whOLe dAy...bUt its nOt wOrth fEeLiNg rOttEn for sUch pEsts...sO b hApPy~ hAhAz...lEarNt a nEw lEssOn tOdAy~ aNd tT is tO SHUT UP AND GIVE LESSER COMMENTS...i oSo lEarNt tT WE MUZ LEARN TO PUT UR TRUST IN THE RIGHT KIND OF PPL~ rELi...wE mUz rELi LEarn! aCtually, iF u dO pAy attEntiOn tO uR sUrroNdiNgs...u wiLL nOticE tT HYPOCRITES EXISTS EVERYWHERE~ sO pPL...BEWARE! oSo...dun b sO sELfiSh at timEs~ lEarn tO at lEast HELP thE pPL arOund U...nOt evEryonE iS sELfiSh likE U~ sO...dO chAngE aNd at lEast spArE a tOt fOr othErs~ iF u dUn...nOonE wiLL spArE a tOt fOr u~ oMg! jUz FARK OFF LA...

hypOcritEs, bAckstAbbErs, LiArs oR wAdevA~ jUz kiNdLy FARK OFF! dUn infLuEncE mE...cOz i dOn wAn tO b pArt oF uR fAmiLy!

[[ thE abOvE cOntEnt iS nOt tArgEttEd at ANYONE~ it iS jUz a siMpLe rEfLectiOn sO pLz dUn tiNk tOo mUch aBt wAd i hAf wRittEn~ iF ANY oF u wiSh tO nOe wAd thE hiddEn mEaniNg mEans...pLz cOnsULt mE PERSONALLY! thAnk yOu... ]]

y aM i shOutiNg in mY eNtRy tOdAy? prObAbLy bcOz iM in a shOutiNg mOod? H-A-H-A!

hEartwArmiNg w0rds...
Sunday, May 08, 2005, 11:27 PM
eH...wAd thE fArk aM i dOing hErE? i tOt i shOuLd b stUdyiNg fOr my mAtHs pApEr aNd eNgLisH pApEr tML? *dOts* mAyb iM tOo strEssEd uP by stUdyiNg bA...sO i cAmE to updAtE mY bLog tO tAkE a brEak...(i tOt u tOok a brEak fOr aLmOst thE whOLe dAy? -.-") wAd a strEssEd uP LifE~ aRgHhHhHh...

i fOund thE sOng~ aS in...the sOng aMandA intrO mE~ yU hEng dE yi rAn sHi pEng yOu...thAnks tO ricO's hELp~ mY sOng fiNdEr...hAhAz~ sUch a nicE sOng...it tOks abOut oUr stOry...*hAiz* aNywAy...viviAn hsU's hEn hEn ai kiNdA nicE~ i likE it~ hMm...hEr haO xiAng ni oSo nOt bAd...bUt i prEfEr hEn hEn ai~ hAhAz! aNywAy, haPpy mOthEr's dAy tO mY mUmMy...thE cAkE is sOoooo yUmMy~ hAhAz...=P

i hAtE exAms...nEed tO stUdy! *bAh* i hAvEn evEn cOmpLetE hALf oF mY rEvisiOn~ =/ timE tO hit thE bOoks...

i hOpE wAd u sAid cOmEs frOm uR hEart...i hOpE it wAsnt a wrOng mSg sEnd to mE~ hAhAz...

a 'hAppEniNg' wEek...=/
Friday, May 06, 2005, 11:21 PM
itS a fRidAy...thE eNd oF aLmOst a wEek~ so mUch tiNgs hAppEnEd in diS pAst onE wK...i fELt tUrmOils oF emOtiOns aLmOst evErydAy~ sOmE whiCh i cAnt bLog oUt...i dUn wAn aNyonE tO nOe dEm...*siGhs*

its thE stArt oF oUr miD yR exAMs...tOdAy wE hAd oUr fiRst pApErs~ hMm...i wAs kiNdA diSspOintEd in thE eNgLish eSsAy i wrOtE...aNd mY rEPoRt sEemEd oUt oF pOint~ *wOrriEd* i dUn wAnnA fAiL mY eNgLish~ i CANNOT fAiL mY eNgLish~ i cAnt affOrd tO scOre bAdLy in it iF i wAn tO mAkE it tO mAss cOmm~ aS fOr mY chinEsE eSsAy aNd lEttEr wRitiNg...i wAs kiNdA sAstiSfiEd witH wAd i hAd wRittEn...i jUz diNt hAf enuFf timE tO fiLL in thE miSsing wOrdS! *bAh* i jUz hOpE tT i wiLL dO wELL for thE rEst oF mY pApErs...

mOthEr's dAy fAlls oN dis sUndAy...mE aNd my siS brOught mY mUm tO kbOx lAst sUndAy tO cELebrAtE mOthEr's dAy wiF hEr...(mY mUm is sO intO siNgiNg evEr sincE shE tOok uP thOsE siNgiNg lEssOns~) shE wAs kiNdA hAPpy...mY siS pAid fOr thE xpEnsEs...hAhAz~ aS fOr mE...i hAd tO pAy fOr thE cAkE my siS bOught hOmE tOdAy...$24~ wHew~ cOz its oNLy fAir wAd...shE pAy fOr kbOx dEn i pAy fOr thE cAkE lOr...wiLL b cELebrAtiNg it diS sUndAy i gUess...hAhAz~

dR wEe kiM wEe diEd lAst mOndAy mOrniNg...i bELievE mAny wOuld hAf knOwn aBt diS~ hMm...thOugh i'vE nv mEt hiM in pErsOn aNd i dUn rEcaLL hiM in mY mEmOry...hE sEems tO b rELi nicE~ aS in frOm thE nEwspApEr rEpOrts aNd wAd pPL sAy...hE is trULy a pEopLe's prEsidEnt~ nO wOrds can dEscRibE how i fEeL nOw~ i cAn oNly hOpEs tT hE wOuld rEst in pEacE...i aM rELi tOuch bY wAd hE hAs dOnE! i hAf wAtchEd almOst aLL thE rEpOrts abOut hiS dEatH...aNd i tiNk hE is rELi a sUcCeSsfUL pErsOn in LifE~ hE is trULy thE rOLe mOdEL fOr aLL...

a quOtE frOm dR wEe kiM wEe: wE cAmE tO diS wOrLd wiF nOthiNg oN oUr bAck aNd wEn wE lEavE diS wOrLd wE wiLL LeavE wiF nOthiNg tOo...

[[ timE to stUdy hArd~ bUt b4 tT...tV timE~ ]]

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